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      "Hoseok!" I hear her call my name from the bedroom upstairs. It is the next morning after her arrival to the Hobi House.

      I wait patiently for her at the kitchen table, as I know she'll be mad with me. Once she gets downstairs at to me, she gives me a look before giving me a bear hug. "I missed you so much- but why did you do this? We will get in trouble, bad trouble!" She pulls away and slaps me across the cheek. I flinch at the pain and then look away in guilt, "I couldn't have my girl with people who beat her... I need you."

      She crosses her arms, "I'm sorry I slapped you, Hobi, but I can't do this. I have to go back-" She tries to walk past me but I pull her into a hug. I kiss her forehead and press my body against hers. "I love you- please don't leave me..."

      I pull away slightly before kissing her beautiful lips. It was the first time I'd ever kissed anyone, and I wasn't the best. The kiss lasted a good fifteen seconds before I pulled away to look at her. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her lips trembled, "Hobi, they beat me- they- they hurt me! How could you love someone who got their virginity stolen from them?" Her voice shaked and I began to cry with her as I pulled her in for another hug. So they did beat her... They raped her, or at least someone did. I would avenge her good name, I'm sure of this.


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