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Yasmin walked  towards the principal's office. At lunch time, she had been told to visit the office over the loud speaker.

She wondered why she had been sent to the principal's office in the first place.

Yasmin wasn't always the best student.  She always kept her grades up to keep her parents happy but a lot of the time she would talk over the teacher and not listen when the teacher told her what to do.

Surely, she couldn't be sent to the principal's office for speaking her mind. Why did the teachers care anyway? It's not like she was a bad student. She always got straight A's.

Yasmin knocked twice on the principal's door before it opened. She was greeted by five other students and she recognised them all immediately. They were all in her year level. There were two other girls and three boys.

Angelique Carter
Patrick Times
Ezra Venn
Oliver Hartfield
and Paige Mills

Why were they all here as well? She stood next to Angelique and focused her attention on the principal.

The principal leant over and placed her chin in her hands. It was like she was enjoying wasting their time.

"Hello." She smiled. She looked like she was enjoying herself.

Everyone muttered a small hello.

The principal then leant back into her chair and placed her hands behind her head.

"I'm glad you're all excited to see me!" She laughed and her eyes wrinkled.

"It's always a pleasure to see you, Mrs Greene." Paige said sarcastically with a smile.

The principal brushed off Paige's remark and continued to talk to the rest of the students.

"So - you're all probably wondering why you're here?" She started as she leaned forward on her chair to stare the teenagers directly in the eye, one by one.

"No shit." Oliver rolled his eyes.

The principal acted like she hadn't heard him.

"The school is trying out something new. We've all decided that we're done with your behaviour."

She paused to look at all of them in the eye one more time before continuing.

"The teachers are fed up with always giving you detentions, and have decided to opt in a more long term option." She gave another sickly sweet smile.

Yasmin was starting to get impatient. How long did it take this woman to say what their punishment was?

"Do all of you understand?" The principal asked the students.

Usually, Yasmin would tell her to get on with it, but she realised that it was her behaviour that had gotten her in trouble in the first place and that she should probably start not talking back to teachers - especially her principal.

Everyone muttered a 'yes' and when the principal was satisfied with their impatience, she pressed on.

"On Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays you will all have detentions." She said flatly.

Nearly all of them groaned and complained.

"Mrs Greene, I have football training Fridays!" Ezra whined.

"I didn't even do anything!" Angelique pouted as she stomped her foot on the ground.

Everyone seemed to be bothered except for Paige. Paige looked like she didn't really care. To be honest, she was probably use to getting detentions everyday.
The complaints went on for a few more minutes before the principal intervened.

"Enough!" She snapped.

"My word is final. Mr. Venn, I have sorted out a timetable with your coach that means you will still play football. For now. Enjoy!" She waved everyone out of her office.


Detention three days a week, for who knows how long.

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