14' New Shocks

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" Break me to pieces with new shocks "

Sometimes, you feel that you're already broken and something happens so fast that it gives you kind of a shock which badly shatters you and you feel completely dead inside and at that time you feel almost unsure about which pain is worse - the shock of what happend or the ache for what never will. Just take a deep breath, I know you won't be able to but give it a try. Take the time to heal it emotionally. Letting things go doesn't take a day, it requires a lot of efforts and may take many steps to be able to break free of your broken self.
Emotional pains and mental tortures are more remembered than physical pains and have more effects on behaviours. It has been said that time heals all wounds but to me its not true so I won't agree with this as I believe it remains, the scars, the bruises, the pain, they all remains though get covered under the skin and tissues and can be activated with a single shock, giving a function call to all those aches you had been through in the past.

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