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Leah P.O.V

It has been 5 years since the accident. My life is completely different. I guess I shouls start after I had woken up from the coma. I waas discharged from the hospital about a week later post waking up. I had to go to therapy, to try to remember what I had lost. It was hard. I also suffered from PTSD, I could no longer sit behind the wheel, and drive. I lived in constant fear of being hit again. My fiance at the time, could no longer bear the struggles I had to deal with, so he ended up breaking off the engagement. I was not sad, nor could I have fault him. Who would want a broken wife that could not remember anything, not even his name. I ended up moveing back to New York to live with my parents, so they could help me. I lost my job as a fashion marketer and decided that Boston was no longer my home. While I had lived in New York I would go to memory therapy every day. Slowly but surely I had been connecting puzzle pieces. But sadly I do not remember the little details to which I valued the most. I can not remember things like my first kiss, or my roommates in college. So here I was now at the ripe old age of 31 and still living with my parents, and jobless. Doesn't that sound like a fabulous life to be living. So as of right I am trying to find a job, that does not really required a college education, even though I have one doen't mean it is useful. So this is where I begin.

Today is the day i start my first job in 5 years. Thankfully my dad was able to pull some strings in the city and now I work as a personal assistant at some big magazine company. I really do not know what it is all about but it pays, and maybe one day I can move out and live a life again. I get dresses in a black pencil skirt, with a bright red blouse and cheetah print heels. I slick my hair back in a low bun, and get ready to start my day. I have my parents drive my to the train, since I can not bare to drive still after 5 years my parents are so supportive. I hope on the train to go into the city. After the 30 minutes on the train, I finish by walking to the address. It is an all glass building, and the company name is "Blackbird Magazine "  I walk into to the receptionist desk, the women working there had a name plate, With Shelia Wood. 

"Good Morning and welcome to Blackbird Magazine, how may I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Leah Westley, I have a job as a a personal assistant here."

She types on her computer, and has an aha moment.

"yes, you are Mr.Black's new assistant, let me led you to his office."

"Thank you... Shelia?"

I follow her trailing behind, I gaze at all the floors and people scattered around. We walk to an elevator and we get in.

"So Shelia, what kind of person is Mr. Black?

"Well, I do not much about him, he is very kept to himself, but do not fret."

We reach floor 15 and he is the only office on this floor and he is by himself. I walk out of the elevator. But Shelia stays behind

"Good Luck Ms.Westley"

I was just about to qeustion what she meant by that. But the elevator door shut close. I look foward, and awkwardly knonck on the glass doors. 

"Yes, come in." He says in a deep, husky voice. His voice sent chills down my spine. 

"Hi, I am Leah Westley, I am your new personal assistant."

He looks up. Clean shaven, with dark brown hair, and chiseled jaw line. His eyes are a blue that one can get lost in. His hair reminds me of those football players. 

"Hello, ms. Westley, I am Mr. Black, but you can call me Austin. I will call you Leah. Simple as that. Your desk is to the right of me with your company phone, computer and the bin of papers you need to file. Got it? Good now get to work. Try to limit your questions to me, I hired you since you should know what you are doing."

"Yes, sir, erm I mean Austin."

I shuffle my feet over to the desk with my name plate already on the desk. I sit down in the plush new chair. To get myself comfortable I slip my heels off and pulled a pair of slippers out of my purse. I place the slippers on, and begin to start working setting up my desk and getting organized. I feel eyes beat on me from Austin, but I continue to ignore him."

"Leah, why do you have slippers on? People do not normally wear slippers to work and last time I saw you were wearing a pair of six inch heels. " Austin ponders

"Um, I feel more comfortable in slippers when I work." I respond in a duh, of course why would you not want to work in a pair of slippers. 

"Okay, whatever makes you more productive, I guess." He continues on typing.

I start shifting through the paper upon papers upon papers of work from him between accounting to paying his tab at the restaurant down the street. I continue to furiously type in either excel or the company program, until I hear a chuckle from the right of me.

"Are you hungry?"

"Ah, yeah, buts it is too early to eat."

" You do know its 3:00, right?"

I hear my stomach growl; "Oh, I thought it was around 10:30, I must have zoned out in this paperwork."

"I ordered lunch for you and I, since we need the break. I hope you like the Chinese food I ordered."


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter continue to like, vote and share. Danke!

P.S. I will try to make a little bit longer chapters if y'all will like

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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