chapter 2

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(Play music)

*Encre is in her bedroom listening to Robbie Williams with I love my life* I started singing along to the song until I noticed a little bat ,with blue markings on its eyes, sitting on my windowsill. I sit near it but not to near trying not to scare it away. It just stares at me. I move back when it started moving towards me. I was up against a wall so I couldn't move any further. It kept coming near me.

Fallacy's p.o.v
She keeps moving away from me so I move towards her, she's up against a wall in the room. I decide to turn to normal form, this shocks her a little bit. "Hi there, the name's Fallacy. What's yours? She tells me that her name is 'Encre' I tell her that I like her name, she blushes a little.

Encre's p.o.v
I blush after he said he liked my name, but what confused me the most was that now he is a person. He really is a vampire and all the time I thought they were extinct. I grabbed my sketchpad and pencils and started to draw Fallacy.

Fallacy's p.o.v
Shes just grabbed her sketchpad and pencils and is sitting on her bed. I watch her as she draws. I end up nodding off as I was a little tired, about an hour later, I was awoken to Encre shaking me. She shows me her picture, it's me. I noticed that the sun was coming up and knew Jasper would be home after his first hunt. I turned into a bat and went outside, I turn around and wave Encre goodbye then I fly off towards my castle.

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