chapter 3

176 11 1

(Play music)

Encre's p.o.v
I'm listening to my music again. I sing along to the song. Until I notice Fallacy on my windowsill. I wave at him. He turns to his normal form and waves back. He walks over and sits on a chair in my room. I then notice another bat. It didn't have the same markings as Fallacy's and this bat was smaller.

Fallacy's p.o.v
Jasper has just arrived. Oh I just remembered that Encre doesn't know Jasper. Whoops. I introduced Encre to Jasper. She plays with him for a while, she then gets up and grabs her sketchbook and walks out. I fly out of the window, just to see she's already gone.

Just I wish I could tell her about how I feel towards her...

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