Sunday June 25th, 2016 time N/A

15 0 1

I'm gonna forget if I don't talk about it. And I can't fall asleep thinking about it. So. I don't know. It didn't look like his house, but it was. We had sex, but I didn't remember it happening and I didn't feel a damn thing. There was no condom and I found it behind my back and remember pushing it beneath his closet. In that process the whole room seemed to change but it was still called his room. Then his dad came in, didn't even look like his dad. He started yelling at him. So I immediately got defensive over him and started calling his dad insult type words and arguing with him. This is where I got scared. It was really dark out. And his dad like beat the fuck out of him and took you out the room. So I was told to leave by who I'm guessing was his dads friend and so I did. I got home absolutely terrified, I was running home crying. He didn't ever message me that night. So the next day I went to school. He wasn't there. So after school I rode my bike to his house. His house looked completely different now. So I was confused. But I went in. And I asked his mom if I could please see him cause I was really worried. She said yes and his dad brought him up from the basement. And it was terrifying. He looked cut up and hurt and exhausted. So he and I went to his room. And I kept telling him I was so worried why didn't he tell me this was something that happened. I was balling my eyes out. And so he told me you appreciate that I'm worried about it, he loves me, but I have to stay out of it.

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