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The cool wind blew through New York City and a feel of pain went down through Johnson's spine and he looked so desperate he lost his job, wife and kids he lost everything. Where was he going to start from?, he heard a loud scream and he heard an intense male voice shouting, "Keep still lady or you will hate the day you were born!", and the lady's voice fainted away. He looked through his window only to see a man in a  black hood jerking a lady oh his shoulder but something else happened, a swift golden light passed through the man and the lady was nowhere to be found and the man tied up close to a garbage bin. Mr. Johnson's mouth was was wide opened in surprise and his thought was, "What could that be?" then his phone rang and he picked it up.

"Hello, who am i speaking with?" He asked.

"It's me Captain Mace i wanted to find out how you have been coping without Lisa." the voice replied.

" I am doing fine Cap, are you still in the millitary camp?"

"Mr. Johnson i was kicked out from the barracks just two days ago because i tried tracking down who killed my wife and i never let the cat out of the bag so i don't know how the General got to know about it."

"It is the same thing that happened to me Cap, but i wanna know who is getting us kicked out so easily?! " He said and took a sip of red wine from his glass cup.

"Mr. Johnson to be frank with you i don't know who is behind all these but all i know is that it is someone with great power to execute on anyone".

"Cap, we need to make plans to find out who took out our loved ones and one thing, i saw a swift light that saved a lady who was in trouble and the man who was trying to assault her was tied close to a garbage bin." He said looking through his window again ,this time staring at the man with blood on his mouth.

"That's very strange bro, buh we could use this kind of supernatural beings"

"What do you mean Cap?"

"We could look for a way to either capture them or convince them on how to protect ordinary men like us"

"Well Cap, that's a good idea but also a bad one how do we get them?" Mr. Johnson said scratching his hair.

"We are going to steal the latest technologies from EDIVAC Technologies and use them to get the Supernaturals isn't that better off?!"

"Uh yes Cap, but how do we intend to do it?"
"Let us meet at the coffee shop close to the Rockefeller center and discuss this through" the captain said.

"Okay Cap". he said and dropped his phone, as he looked up he saw a huge dark figure looking down at him with fire in it's eyes and the figure spoke.

"You want to avenge the death of your family , you can't do it alone i will help you" and the figure vanished. Johnson sat down with confusion in his eyes and did not move, after some minutes he recovered from the shock and left his house.

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