Chapter three

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"Daddy, Daddy." A light finger prodded the side of his knee as he failed to keep his eyes open. His entire body ached as he tried to move his stiff neck. The thought of going into classes today nauseated him. He dreaded the idea of everyone's judgmental glares that was to come throughout the day and would give anything to stay in his room. But he knew, if he was to miss out on any lessons then suspicions would arrive and he would have to deal with countless of questions and accusations. Plus he was a Malfoy and Malfoy's were not cowards.

The light poking finally stopped and his body gave in to relaxation. Until a sudden warm weight shifted onto his lap. Small hands spread across his cheeks and his eyes were forced open. Sliver met with soft brown and it took a moment for his eyes to adjust. "Daddy wake up." They whispered. Frowning, he noted innocence in their voice. Staring blankly ahead he stiffened. He thought it was a dream. He hoped it was. The idea of children claiming to be his own seemed ridiculous, unrealistic. But here she was on his lap, her big brown eyes almost drowning him with innocence. 

To say the least he was lost for words. Again.

"J- Josie?" 

She hummed. Wrapping her arms around his middle she gleamed up at him. "You over slept, it's morning." She looked excited and bright, like this was the best thing to ever happen. Climbing off his lap she rushed over to the bed where Dalton stood. 

Looking down on himself he realised he was in his uniform. Did he sleep in it? 

"Daddy when's breakfast?" He didn't have time to process anything. Glancing at his watch he jumped up.

Breakfast started and soon classes would be too. He wasn't even ready, he didn't even have his timetable. Adjusting his cloak he froze mid stride to the door before spinning around. Staring at the two children he growled in frustration. Right, the kids need food. How was he supposed to feed them? 

He couldn't walk into the Great Hall with them in his hands.

"Stay here." He said and backed away into the door. His gaze didn't leave the pair as he reached for the handle and slipped through the door. Slamming it shut with both hands. Leaning heavily against the door he sighed.

Quiet footsteps reached his ears and he twitched, peering his gaze to the side Granger made a slow approach to him. Her uniform all neat and tidy, not a crease in sight. She frowned at his own appearance and he had to refrain from rolling his eyes. "McGonagall wants to speak with us at her office. It would be wise to be on time." Taking his silence as satisfaction she brushed past him, with her head held high.

He could tell it was going to be a long year.

Dragging his feet down the stairs his sluggish movements stopped when the door knocked. He expected it to be McGonagall but Grangers happy expression made him think otherwise. Before he could even get a word out she swung open the door revealing two smiling idiots, Potter and Weasley. Which was exactly what he needed first thing in the morning. 

"Mornin' Mione." Weasley chipped. His lovesick smile made Draco roll his eyes. Either way it didn't stop Granger's smile from growing. 

Anytime the three of them were in the same room together he felt dizzy with envy. The notorious golden trio, fighting crime, saving the school and blah, blah, blah. It was like a bad action book gone wrong. 

Draco made his presence known by standing directly behind Granger, letting them know he was not in the mood for their little reunion. Both boys expression turned dark at the sight of him. "Malfoy." Weasley spat. The rage was evident in his eyes and Draco willed himself not to look away. He knew that their encounters would happen sooner or later, although he would of liked it to be later.

"Something you'd like to say Weasel."

He snorted. "As if you have the nerve to talk down to me. My brother's dead because of you!" He barked.

"I don't recall being the one pointing the wand."

"That mark on your arm says otherwise." His hand twitched at the comment but kept his face composed. He would not be fazed. The mark was a sore subject for him. He was branded, and he would have to carry that around with him a constant reminder of what he was. 

"You're on my doorstep Weasley, watch it." Barging past the trio he marched down the corridor. He faintly heard them mutter between themselves but he paid no mind to it. He was going to have to get used to it. The mutters, the stares and glares. In situations like these he wished Blaise was here with him. His only loyal companion and friend. Unlike Crabbe and Goyle he had intelligence and was quick with his tongue. When he had encounters with Gryffindor's he was there by his side. 

He sighed.

Those were good times, but unfortunately he moved to Italy for some family matters. That's what his mother said at least but he had a feeling it was to get away from everything, including him. He made a mental note to write to him at some point.

The only other person from his group was Pansy Parkinson. But she was more of a nuisance then a friend, always following and pestering him. But no matter how annoying she was he had to admit she was fierce. Her snide remarks and temper could leave people crying and scurrying away in seconds. However, no matter how isolated he felt he would not go to her for social support, he didn't want to give her the wrong impression. What if she was the mother of his future kids? He shuddered. Not a chance in hell.

Strutting into the Great Hall he plopped himself on the bench. Not long after his timetable dropped in front of him, taking one glance at the parchment he groaned inwardly at his first lesson. 

Potions with the Gryffindor's.

An unsettling feeling plunged deep in the pit of his stomach. Looking up he saw eyes on him. Astoria Greengrass, Theodore Nott and Vincent Crabbe stared heatedly at him. "What's your problem." He hissed. Nott glanced over to the others before clearing his throat.

"We've all talked and we decided it's best if we weren't seen with you." He didn't say anything for a while, allowing his words to sink in properly processing the fact that this conversation was happening.

"Excuse you, Nott."

"You're a disgrace Malfoy, you give Slytherin a bad name, even worse than before. We don't want everyone thinking we're like... you. And due to the occurring events we lost one of our own." At the mention of Goyle, Crabbe bore his gaze harder at Draco almost accusingly. Goyle's death was not his fault, the baboon actions were reckless which lead him to die in the first place.

"You're fucking with me." When he got no response he slammed his fist against the table, making a few first years jump. "You're shunning me. Incase you potheads forgot I made this group, I am the reason your status' are high, I created this. I am a Malfoy don't you dare deceive me." He thought his word would be enough to slam some sense into them but instead it did the opposite.

"Your name is tainted." Nott spat. "Ruined even. As long as you have that mark on your arm... Malfoy I'm sorry but it has to be like this." As if his word was final they refused to look at him. Busying themselves with food or their timetables. He caught sight of Pansy and called out to her. "Pansy..." but he got nothing in return, not even a glance. She just sat there still, blankly staring at her plate.

"Screw you all." He seethed. Swiping his timetable he stormed out of the hall.

He didn't need those imbeciles he would carry out his year without them. But their words did cut him. Jabbing at his emotions until be broke, but he wouldn't he was a Malfoy. Stopping himself he scowled. The Malfoy name was tainted. He'll show them. Once they saw him thrive they would come crawling back.

His stomach growled in agony and he groaned. He didn't even have a chance to eat. And then he remembered that the kids were hungry too. He wasn't going back to the hall so his second bet was to go straight to the kitchens.

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