Chapter four

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Draco burst through the kitchen doors causing everyone in the room to jump. They ricocheted off the stone walls and creaked back into place, big doey eyes stared at him in bewilderment, full of fear and curiosity as the elves cowered away from him. He knew what they were thinking cause it was what everyone else thought of him the second he stepped foot on that train. But it didn't matter what they thought, no matter what he was their superior.

"You!" His pale finger pointed at a random petite house elf. Their eyes widened and their bony legs shook. With a stiff stance he gawked at him as if he was a dementor ready to suck the living soul at of him. "Stop staring and get over here. Now!" Draco barked. The Elf released a high-pitched squeal, looking over to the other house elves for support he reluctantly moved towards him once he realised nobody was going to say anything. Dragging his feet against the cold stone he tugged at his rags, fearfully glancing up at the blond.

"I need you to bring some food up to the heads dorm. Two plates of the main order today. Nothing fancy, bacon, eggs, the basics." When he didn't move Draco's frown deepened. "I believe I said now!" With a startled jump the elf went to work. Running to the other end of the kitchen he chanced a glance over his shoulder to Draco who stood tall with an icy glare etched onto his features. With a frightful sneer spread across his lips all stares stopped and the house elves continued on with their work.

A sharp feeling ruptured through his mind. Placing his fingers against his temples he tried to rub the pain away, all but failing his attempts the pain came back more intense. Setting his jaw he stopped himself from letting out a weak yell of agony, inwardly wincing to himself. A few elves looked at him sceptical. Quickly turning away, he burst past the doors through the corridor. Once the pain subsided he allowed himself the take in a few breaths. What was that?

He didn't have time to dwell on the surprise attack when he heard a dripping voice come towards him. Three boys that he didn't recognise came swaggering down the corridor, their gaze set on him. "Look who's crawled out of You Know Who's backside." The boy in the middle drawled. With his Ravenclaw blue tie neatly placed at the centre of his chest which was puffed out with pride. Everything about him was well put and pristine. With his neatly combed brown locks to his clear fair skin. Unlike Draco who most likely looked scruffy. If his mother was here she would scowl at him for being so unorganised.

Two other boys strolled on either side, slightly trailing behind him they resembled as bodyguards by their stern features. One boy dark and lanky while the other had more bulk, however his tie was red and gold.

Draco straightened himself at the unappreciated company that was to come. Dismissing any sign of weakness from earlier he frowned upon their arrival. "And who are you to talk to me in such a manner." He countered.

His beady blue eyes bore into Draco's stormy grey ones as a sly smirk slipped onto his face, good enough to compete with his own. "Adrien Prescott." He spoke with such pride it was repulsive. "And I don't appreciate a death eater roaming around the school."

At the mention of his last name Draco's mind clicked in recognition. Prescott. Yes, he remembered hearing his father curse the family at a previous time. The Prescott's were one of the rich families owning one of the top quidditch broom company in Europe. Their last name engraved in the wood of the brooms. They had an old pureblood family line. If he dare say they were almost as rich as the Malfoy's. Which explained Lucius's disdain for the family, his father was never one for competition.

Having a hunch on where this conversation could be heading, Draco's hand slid behind his back, gripping tightly his wand that was tucked in his back pocket. "Watch your tone Prescott." He spat the name out like dirt. "I suggest moving along before I start taking away points for such crude behaviour." They stood there for what felt like eternity. Both with hard glares challenging the other to back down. Draco was about ready to hex him out of his way before Adrien snorted. "Watch yourself, Malfoy." Moving past him, his sidekicks trailed after him sending Draco glares of their own. But he did not waver. His grip on his wand didn't loosen until they were completely off the corridor. Sending a cautious look over his shoulder he made his way back to the head dorms.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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