Act 1 Part 1

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As the smoke cleared, a thick black fog remained in the middle of the crater. The fog began to separate as a dark figure dressed in all black stepped forward letting loose a giggle that sent shivers down everyone's spines. All of the soldiers seemed to freeze as if they were in a picture. The commanders standing on the crest of the crater were silent. One of the commanders, tired of the silence, open fired on the black area in the middle of the crater. The bullets stopped when they reached the fog, then the fog flung them back at the shooter with more force than the gun could ever hope to achieve. Before anyone could react to the gun going off, the body was already on the ground. The figure in the middle didn't even need to look at the attacker to kill them, their eyes remained on a single target. Then she said just a single word. She said-

I jerked awake as my name rebounded off of the walls of class. "Y-yes mam?" I uttered.
My teacher was an older lady that was to that age where anybody younger than her, even by a few minutes, must listen to every thing she says. She simply pointed to the board with on hand on her hip.
The once blank board now had so many markings on it that an expert on the subject couldn't decipher it. I'm not even sure why she's pointing to it.
It felt as if 30 minutes went by, full of stifled giggles & quite remarks, before the teacher walked slowly to her desk, her heels sounded throughout the silent class. Once she reached the desk she started writing. Once she was done, she pointed a finger at me, then made a "get-over-here" gesture with it.
She handed me a small piece of paper folded in half & told me to take it to the office. By now my face was red with embarrassment. A note?What am I a third grader? I'm in high school! This is the first time I've fallen asleep in her class & I'm going to the office with a note! I turn to the left & I see the kid who's normally asleep counting sheep while drooling on the paper we were working on.
Once outside of the classroom, I unfolded the note to see what Mrs. Crankwoman McNosleep wrote down.
"Dear principal,
This student has interrupted class multiple times this period & all of the other students can not focus on their work. I do hope you will choose an appropriate punishment."
Are you kidding me? Multiple times? This is the first time! Interrupting class? How can I do that while being motionless & quiet?
As I was arguing in my head, I didn't realize that the note ripped in half with one end in my hand while the other fell slowly to the ground. Confused, I picked it up & looked at it. As I was inspecting the torn note, I accidentally ran into the door of the office. The assistant said from the couch, "It's not an automatic door idiot."
"Up yours, Nick," I replied while taping up the note. Being the office assistant is the easiest job at the school, all you have to do is act like you don't know what to do & the counselor will do it for you. Nick, one of my better friends, was lucky enough to be recommended by a lot of teachers & was offered the job.
"Is it because I'm black?" He questioned jokingly. "Why are you here?"
I handed him the note & he read it.
"I know from the first two words this is from that witch." He said seconds after being handed the note. "I mean who else writes notes in letter form? Dear principal, that's just weird."
I replied, "I know right? I fell asleep once & she sends me out."
Just then the principal walks in & sees me."Well crap, I was looking forward to going home early."
The principal is a laid back guy who jokes around a little too much. "What did you do this time?" He asked.
After looking at the note Nick handed him, he said flatly, "dammit mom." Then to me he asked what really happened.
I told him my story & how unreasonable she was being. He felt sorry that she overreacted & sent me straight to the office. So he let me leave early. There's not really anything you can do in 20 minutes besides being sent back, but neither of us wanted that so he let me leave twenty minutes before the rest got out of school. Seeing as I had a head start, I rushed home to play video games, completely forgetting the dream that put me in trouble in the first place. However, video games would have to wait, as there was a fairly big box on my doorstep.

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