Chapter Seven

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Instead of going home after being kicked out of the school I walked half an hour to the dance studio. On my journey there I started to think how amaing it would be if I could stay on top for at least anther week which I've never done before. I love to dance but the fact that Abby only cares about winning it gets to me abit. She only chooses the dancers who she knows will win and give her something back, she don't give me enough opputunities to prove myself to her wich is why I'm happy I'm featured in all the dances this week. 

Once I made it to the studio, I walked into a free studi ad pluged my phone into a speaker. I played my solo music and rehearsed my dance a few times before choosing a solo peice of music and started to let myself go. I started to enjoy myself as th music played, with a face splitting smile. 

I jumped when I heard clapping, "Well done Brooke." Abby said. I thankedher and pulled my phone out. " I promise you nest time you have a solo It'll be a lyrical peice which hardly any acro in maybe a few ariels but that'll be it. I nodded enthusiastically. "Ok lets start it now so you know part of it," She played a peice of lyrical music called oxygen and gave me the choreograhy and I rehearsed it for the rest of the day until the other  girls arrived. 

Over the next 3-4 hours we went from dance to dance. On my solo they had to turn arround and face the wall at the back. Abby got our Moms making our costumes so no-one was looking at my solo or duet. I rehearsed my solo for this week and my Lyrical then our duet.

"Ok I'm changing the lift in the duet Mackenzie can you do the lift to Brooke instead it'll change it up abit." We tried the lift a few times. Mackenzie is strong for a 8 year old. We then ran through the whole dance with her lifting me. We both giggled as she put me down and we carried on with the dance. 
"Abby why'd you play to peices of solo music for Brooke?" Paige asked

"Well, I didn't know whether to let her do the first or secong but ow I know she's doing the first." Abby explained winking at me. 

After rehearsal were finished for the evening, Mom Paige and I left and went home. Paige and I went straight to bed. I was drained after a long active dance day. 

I'm Brooke Hyland and this is my life Where stories live. Discover now