The difference between Ben and Shareen

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In the small town of Sciplol, there was one pair of twins. Because of this, they were well known here.

"Hey, Ben, I just thought of the most epic idea!" The brunette shouted. Sitting on the park bench, reading a book was her twin.

"What is it now, Shareen?" Ben found her ideas to be annoying at times. But a brother has to listen to his sister.

"You know the movie Priest right? What if you and I grew up to be like that! Killing vampires and stuff!" Shareen jumped in excitement. "That'd be so epic!"

"Don't you think that's kind of impossible?" Ben was unimpressed. Shareen took his book and hit him on the head.

"Come on! It's Friday! Let's have fun! Let's go to Chuck E. Cheese's!" His sister could be very childish at times but this was just weird.

"What are we, 6?"Ben thought that was probably the lamest suggestion she had all day. Without warning, she slammed the book across his  face.

"I want pizza!" She demanded.

"Alright! Alright! Just don't use that book anymore. You almost broke my glasses.." Why did he have to be the older twin? So much responsibility....

"Then what?" Nessa shoved a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"We got pizza!!!" Shareen shouted in Ben's ear.

"It was humiliating. We were the oldest ones there." He got some popcorn and shook his head.

"No we weren't." The younger one stared at Ben as if he were dumb.

"There were three others there too. They were all older than us." Shareen took the popcorn bowl for herself.

"Excuse me, can I play after you?" Shareen was standing behind a girl who was in the middle of a song on Guitar hero.

"Uh, sure. Just....just give me a sec." The girl was completely focused on the game. She didn't even notice Shareen until she spoke.

"You idiot! Why would you look for victims here?!" A redhead shouted to a boy and a girl running into the place.

"I'm not. I just need a drink. haha lighten up Harrison." the boy said.

The boy ran past Shareen and took the soda she had in her hands.

"Hey...he took my soda." the younger twin looked at her other hand. She was holding a slice of pizza. "At least I have-"

The girl ran past Shareen and took her pizza.

"Thanks!" she shouted as she followed the boy.

"I am so sorry." Harrison told Shareen before he kept running after the other two. "Guys this isn't funny!"

Shareen stood there speechless.

"Woohoo high score!" the girl playing Guitar hero shouted. "Now to enter my name....T-R-I-N...."

"....and that's why I took Ben's pizza when he wasn't looking. I was still hungry."Shareen grinned.

"That was the last slice!" Ben whined.

"You two amuse me. Keep talking." Nessa listened to the rest of their story. She found twins interesting. Who doesn't?

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