Lukas and Trinity: Day 1

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I traveled three hours in a stuffy soccer mom van to the airport. The ride was long and tiring, the fact that it was two forty in the morning didnt help. The car rattled along the roads and after what seemed like an eternity, it finally stopped.
My older sister, Rosa, looked at me from the drivers seat. She helped me haul my luggage out of the van and onto the ground. She looked at me with her stern brown eyes, that pleaded me not to go.
"Be safe brother."
"See you soon." I waved to her, she tucked her chestnut brown hair behind her ears and waved back as the wind made her dress and cardigan flow in the wind.
I wrapped my scarf tighter around my nose and headed for the entrance, after getting through security i waited. And waited, sitting on those cold steel chairs was not doing any good for my back, so i stood up and brushed my self off.
"Mr. Lukas Henrik?" A womans voice called, i jolted my head upward to see a woman, around the age of twenty six in a flight attendant looking uniform.
"Yes, that is me." I stuttered, my awkwardness showing as i spoke.
"Follow me please." She said, pivoting around and fastly walking away. I hueried to grab my luggage and pratically ran after her trying to keep up with her fast pace. She lead me outside of the air port and tugged at my luggage.
"I'll take care of these sir, board the jet and settle down. We have a wide variety of menu items if you get hungry and a beverage selection too. Feel free to call a server any time." Her voice was high pitched and quite annoying. I quickly boarded the jet and settled down. My hand petted the leather chairs and i looked up at the screen in front of me.
After about twenty to thirty minutes all the servers and workers had boarded and the plane was taking off. My ears were about to pop so i searched the compartment under to my left for something.
"Here we go." I pulled out a pack of gum and popped on out, chewing it as my ears popped due to the air pressure. I flipped through a magazine that was also, conveniently placed in the compartment. Of course it was full of trends and tabloids, none of which i truly cared about. Still i continued to read.
A server walked out, "Heres a menu, if you need anything just ask darling." A woman about the age of forty said. She looked like one of those classic 'jersey girls' or whatever that you'd find on reality tv shows. Her hair had a bump in the back and was dyed a platinum blonde while she had giant hoop earrings, pink lipstick and one hell of a cat eye.
I was exhausted, so i set the menu down and leaned my head back, drifting softly to sleep.
"Mr. Henrik, Mr. Henrik... Sir!" I jolted awake, looking around confused.
"Yes?! Yes? What is it? Huh... what happened?"
"We landed sir, please exit the plane. A private car is here to escort you to the next destination."
"Where are we?"
"Sorry sir, that information is classified. Please collect your items and exit the plane."
I sighed and got up. I had noting on me so i just headed for the exit. The weather was strangely sunny and a limo was parked about thirty paces from the jet, actually more like fifty..
I hauled my luggage on my back and threw my duffel bag strap over my shoulder and headed for the vehicle.
"Lukas Henrik?"
"Get in." The man said. He was a typical secret agent looking guy, suit, sunglasses and a stern emotionless face.
A sat down in the car and rolled my eyes, great, another long trip.
"Excuse me sir," i said tapping on the glass. "Do you happen to know the time?"
"Seven thirty four am."
"And where are we anyways?"
"Thats classified."
"Do you know where we are going?"
"What country are we in?"
"Thats classified sir."
I grunted in exasperation. This was dumb.
"Whats the square root of pi? Or is that classified too?!"
The man didnt even show anger, he just kept driving.
"Whats your name?"
"Thats none of your concern." The male said.
I gave up and laid down on the seats, there was no point in trying to pry information out of this guy.
Just then i got an idea. "What if i said i have a bomb, located in the side compartment of my duffel bag. The button is in my pocket."
The man stopped the car.
He got out and threw me out of the car.
"Don't touch me or i'll press it." I said. He aimed his gun at me. "HANDS IN THE AIR, FACE TOWARD THE CAR GET ON YOUR KNEES!" I followed his instructions. He came over and patted me down, searching for the button.
"Get back in the car. You're wasting my time." He said. I gave a short chuckle.
An hour passed and finally we arrived at the location. It was a small house, quite cute actually. It was a little bit more isolated then the rest of the town but that was fine with me.
"Get out." The man said he pulled out my luggage and helped me haul it into the house.
"This is your house. There are two bedrooms, one bathroom and the basic needs of any house. The money is located in the suitcase on the dining room table, that is your budget for this week. If you spend it all, thats all your getting for that week. Payday is Sunday at one pm. We'll only intervene if either of you is starving, dying, or under serious medical condition. Over these three months you can't sleep over at other houses, you cannot live outside this house, you cannot leave this town, you cannot burn this house or renovate it in any way other then moving things around. You are not allowed to leave your companion for more then 48 hours. You are allowed to get a job, pets however aren't allowed. Any questions?"
"Who's my partner?"
"You'll find that out, they'll arrive here in about an hour so make yourself at home, any other questions."
"What if i bang my partner." I smiled slightly.
"Like yknow... do the do."
"Your relationship with your partner is all up to you. Things like... pleasurable objects.. are not provided, protection can be found in both of the bedroom drawers. Rape, sexual and physical harassment are all not allowed."
"Can i kill them." I wanted to laugh so hard! Trying to crack this guy was hilarious.
"No. Im leaving." He said monotonously as he headed for the door.
I unloaded my stuff in the bedroom closest to the bathroom. It was a fair sized room with a bed, closet, desk with a computer and a mirror. The door was on the south side of the room, the head of the queen sized bed was placed against the east, along with a window behind it. The desk was placed at the foot of the bed facing the north and the closet was on the west side, somewhat across from the bed. I hung up my clothes and took of my shoes, grabbing a book i started to read.

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