Chapter Nineteen: Tommy

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"He knows," I said as I ran through the coliseum's huge doors. Rita sat atop her golden throne, spinning green mist through her clawed finger tips.
"It seem so, you are a horrible lier."
"I can't lie to Quinn, I tried but he always finds the truth." I thought back to the times I had lied and Quinn had seen through the thin facade with ease.
"Well, then that means he just another blockade in our way." She grinned. "And what do we do to blockades?"
I didn't want to answer. I knew what she wanted me to say. She wanted me to say Quinn didn't matter, that I could blow him down without a second thought. I didn't want that to come to reality, but I could feel the sinking pit in my stomach telling me that it was closer to that event than I wanted it to be.
"I have gathered information about Quince's new zord. A tiger, as my spy calls it. If you are to beat the rangers you will need your own beast to fight with."
"Where can I find the parts to build a giant ass robot?"
"No parts needed. My old zord lies at the bottom of the ocean, were I was stuck for millennia." She pointed toward the harbor. "If you wish to be a true warrior, why not take a dragon?"

Making it to the harbor was harder than I thought it would be. Fisherman were crowding the slim walk ways, jumping on boats and dingies heading for the open ocean for the fish. It was also hard to go unnoticed when you didn't want to get your only clothes wet, so you walk down to the harbor in only a pair of black boxer briefs. That was my predicament. My Rolex watch was still strapped to my wrist. My fist was clenched around my green coin. As I got closer to the water, the coin started to glow. Now, all I had to do was jump in.

The water was stinging cold. It bit at my skin like iced teeth. My head hurt with the building pressure of the sea floor. When I got to my skulls closest breaking point, I morphed into my armor. The pressure relieved itself, I continued. Fish swam around in the murky black. I swore I saw a shark swim by but it paid me no mind and I dove on, trying to keep a good pace.
When I got around the floor of the ocean, a cavern was beginning to become visible. A green glow was dimly shining through the murk. I swatted a fish away and swam to the cave. I could barely see the wall let alone a giant robotic dragon Rita said was down here. She also said my sword was some kind of flute, that when I play the right notes, the dragon would awake. So, I did what any power ranger working for the forces of evil would do. I snapped my wrist and my sword grew in length, a instrumental like lip piece jutted from the left guard piece. I put it to the mouth piece of my helmet to the instrument and blew. A crisp note, more like a trumpet than anything, cut through the water in a rippled circle. The cave lit with an eerie green glow. I could see the robots large reptilian body. The head was made of a dark metal, laced with green and gold. A glass cockpit was stationed on its forehead. It had legs tipped with razor like curved claws. It's front arms were shorter and looked like they had missile like rockets placed in the fingers. A drill was cemented to its tail. Large horns and spikes lined its body at odd and irregular sections. It's menacing grin was lined with curved, blindingly bright teeth. It looked more like Godzilla than a dragon really. It didn't have wings from what I could see and it was bipedal.
'There's no going back now,' I thought, and continued to play this trumpet...flute...dagger thing that Rita gave me. Soon, it became second nature. And soon, the dragon zord was almost awake, and I would be able to save this place, and my brother, even if he was in too deep. I would be the one saving him, and I would make things right.

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