Chapter 2

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It's been two weeks since I started at this high school, I must admit I miss the London life. All my friends, family, my dog. I know it'll be worth it in the end but right now I feel it's not. I've become pretty close to Aaron and Cameron, I would defiantly say I get on better with boys.

The Dolan twins, fuck. I wish I'd met them before I agreed to this. They are the rudest people I know, how they are popular I don't know! From day one they just seem like the have an issue with me, maybe it's because I have to try tour with them. Who knows??!

"Lizzie" Aaron shouted, running towards me flinging his arms around me. Before I got time to reply he was pushed away from me as Grayson had come in the middle of us. I looked at Aaron and he just looked down and continued to follow him.

"Hey" I shouted, all eyes turned to me as people eyed me to shut up. 'Don't mess with the Dolan's' is what I hear a lot.

Grayson turned around with a smirk and walked up close to me, causing me to gulp. "Aww, you not happy I pushed you" he mimicked and came closer to me.

"Touch me again, I dare you" I threatened and eyed him up. "Wouldn't want your reputation to go down for hitting a girl now would it?" I cooed. From being bullied for 3 years I've learnt how to handle these situations. I'm not scared of anybody anymore, not even if he's one of the prettiest boys alive, as much as it pains me to admit. I get straight into arguments, cut the crap it's pointless.

Grayson backed away and started to walk away "lost without your brother who ain't here to defend you? Aww" I mimicked and started to walk away "pathetic" I heard him mumble before we went our separate ways, all eyes on me. I expected more of a reaction from him like usual, but I guess today's a good day for him.

Thing is, that wasn't the first time. Things nearly got physical with Ethan yesterday but thanks to his brother having some surprising intelligence he stopped him. The day before they'd drawn all over my books causing me to embarrassingly burst into their classroom while everyone made a mockery of me. I walk past and they call me names. They do this with everyone, but as I shame them with my amazing comebacks they give me their worst. Well guys, that ain't nothing if that's your worst!

It was finally the end of school and I'd ran into my math class to collect a few books. I scanned around the now empty classroom looking for them. Before I got a chance to look any further the door swung open. "Hold on Sir I'll be out of here in a second" I shouted without even looking at who it was.

I felt a pair of hands on my waist and I swing around, the twins. I pushed him away and headed towards the door, which was blocked off. "What?" I rolled my eyes laying my bag on the desk.

"You see Elizabeth, I don't like hearing your comments towards my brother when I'm not there" Ethan stated while backing me into a wall, I looked over at Grayson who was too interested on his phone.

"Look, I get he can't defend himself without you, I do apologise. If you have a problem with me say and I'll walk away from here. I am only here for you two after all" I mumbled but they both heard clearly, Grayson looked up and had the same expression and Ethan.

"You're out opening act, are you?" Grayson asked while placing his phone on the desk. I nodded and rolled my eyes. "We don't want you, we will find somebody else!! We have too" he shouted in panic over to his brother.

"You're the one with the problem! All you do is talk to me like shit and I'm sick of it. You think because you're hot and famous it's ok to treat somebody like shit? You're pathetic. Fuck it, I'm out anyway now" I screamed, grabbing my bag and shoving them away from the door. They think it's okay to be nasty just because they didn't know I was going to have to go on tour with them. There's only one place I want to be right now, an thanks to them I can't. My future is being taken away from me, my only chance.

I push past the remaining people in the corridors and burst out of school, a hand covers my mouth as my eyes pop out their skull. I get dragged to the back of school. They were strong. It made me helpless. They pushed me to the floor and towered over me.

"Look Lizzie" he started and I looked straight up, I scoffed and got up to walk away. But they blocked my escape. "Look Lizzie" they repeated in a more angry tone "I'm not here to hurt you, baby"

I laughed and gave him a disgusted look "do you call all your girls baby? I'm not one of 'your girls'" I scoffed

"I've known you what? A month max? I've treated you like shit, but I know you're enjoyed it. Is it a kink?" He winked

"Get a life Ethan" I moaned

"You'll fall head over heels for me in a few weeks" he seductively whispered. I laughed and pushed past him

"The day that happens is the day I get the fuck out of here" I shouted before walking away. If this is him thinking I'm playing hard to get then he needs to rethink.

Next day

We were all called into Katy's office, as a three. We all were avoiding each other. I was currently messing with thread that was coming off my jacket, ignoring everything they had to say.

"Are you listening" Ethan shouted, making my head snap up. All eyes were on me once again.

"Look, thank you for the opportunity and as much as I want to take it I'm clearly being blocked off. I hope your tour goes great, but I'm not going to try sort it sat here when you can find somebody you actually would appreciate being there with you. I'm not going to waste my time anymore" I huffed before walking out.

That was where the fun began, where my life became memorable.

Hey guys, the story will be boring for the first few chapters. There will be a lot of arguments coming etc but for now I didn't want to start the story with hatred so I kept it to a small argument. It gets better

Hope you had a good day

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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