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Chloe's P.O.V.
After leaving Michigan me and Noah fly back to LA to pack for our honeymoon in Hawaii.
"Noah I'm like so excited for this trip" I tell him.
"Yeah me too Chloe" he says.
I continue to pack my clothes and shoes, but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out which bikini to bring.
"Noah which bikini should I bring?" I ask holding up the choices in my hands.
The one he points at is a sparkly sapphire blue color. Noah really likes the color blue on me.
We both finish packing and then we board my private jet.
We arrive at the tropical island of Hawaii, and it's so much prettier than in the pictures I've seen.
"It's wonderful isn't it" I say to Noah.
"Yeah it really is" he replies.
We check into our hotel suite then we walk up several flights of stairs to our room. We finally arrive and I use the key card that I was provided with to open the door.
"Damn, this room is huge!" Noah exclaims.
"Well it is a suite" I tell him.
"Yeah I just think it's amazing that we get to stay here" Noah says.
We both get settled, then we decide that we will go down to the beach.
I take my bikini and cover up out of my bag and I start to undress when I see Noah gazing at me.
"Ahem, can you turn around please" I say to him.
"What I can't look at my wife without clothes on?" Noah says.
I just roll my eyes and finish getting dressed then I slide my feet into my white flip flops and walk to the beach.
This place is beautiful, the golden sand, the sparkly blue rolling waves and the smell of the salty sea in the air.
"We should take a picture together and send it to your parents" Noah suggests.
"That's a great idea but I didn't bring my cellphone with me" I say.
"I did" Noah says.
"Well let's ask someone to take the picture" I say.
We walk down the beach and of course there's lots of people staring and pointing at me.
We walk up to a random woman and we ask if she will take our picture and she says sure if I give her my autograph.
Eminem's P.O.V.
"Hey Marshall wake up sweetie" Phoebe says as she strokes the side of my face. I must've fallen asleep on her again.
"Do I have to?" I ask.
"Well Chloe sent us a picture of her at the beach don't you want to see it?" she says.
I immediately sit up and I feel a big smile creep onto my face.
"Of course I want to see the picture" I say.
Phoebe grabs her cellphone and shows me the picture, at the bottom of the picture it says "hugs and kisses from Chloe and Noah" they are both standing together on the beach in their swimsuits. I can't help but smile at the picture, I like the fact that Chloe is keeping in contact with me and Phoebe.
Chloe's P.O.V.
I'm sure Marshie was really happy about seeing a picture of me. Since I don't live with him anymore I'm going to try and send updates because I really want him to feel happy, but I also know that Phoebe and the girls are there with him too.
Me and Noah have a great time on the beach, but eventually the sky begins to darken so we head back to our hotel.
"We should grab something to eat Chloe, I'm really hungry" Noah says.
"Aight' let's get some food then" I say agreeing with him.
We get back to our hotel and we order room service. While we wait we turn on the tv and TMZ comes on and of course there's pictures of me and Noah on the beach. Ugh... stupid paparazzis don't they have anything better to do?
"Just change the channel Noah" I say annoyed.
He changes the channel and puts on South Park then he falls backwards onto the bed and runs his hands down his face, "Chloe I need a drink" he says.
I laugh and put my hands on my hips, "Noah are you serious?" I say.
"Yeah I'm serious" he says.
"Well I didn't bring anything because I want us to spend time together not getting drunk" I say.
"Yeah I guess you're right" he says.
Suddenly we hear a loud knock on our door and we open it, it's our food. I thank the person who brought it and I give them a tip before they leave. I close the door and bring the food inside. We both sit down on the floor and dish the food out amongst each other equally.
"Oh gosh I'm full" I say after finishing the banquet.
"Ditto" Noah says.
"Hey before we go to bed let's take another picture" I say.
This time we take the picture with my phone. We set it up on the entertainment center and set the phone to take a picture.
Noah sits on the bed and I sit in his lap wrapping my arms around his neck and smile. We send the picture then we go to bed.
Eminem's P.O.V.
Me and Phoebe have had a great today we went out to lunch and we went swimming. Suddenly my phone goes off, I got another text and picture from Chloe. I look at it and it's a picture of Chloe on Noah's lap, it's cute but it's so weird because they are truly a couple now.

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