Hey bitches.
Plots up for grabs! come and get 'em. If you're too lazy or can't make your own cover for what ever reason I make covers for your stories too!!!
*Same as in the show* If you don't know the cast then look them up.
Caters brother Ben has been missing for a week now, there have been many rumours going around school such as, 'Ben killed himself in an alley somewhere' 'He was in a drug deal gone wrong' but the one that pissed Carter off the most was 'Max killed him' When Carter hears that rumour she went straight up to the one responsible for starting that bull crap, Carter was suspended leaving Taylor and Grant to face school on there own.
Max has admitted to the police that he was the one who killed Jarred, now he's behind bars helpless in the whole Ben situation. Jail is a tough place especially if your nice, kindness gets you no where in prison, Max soon finds that out.
Taylor is on a mission to free Max and get him back, without him she just might break.
Grant has gone back to being the un-heard child. His relationship with his girlfriend which he meet online has grown stronger and she's become his anchor, the only thing keeping him from falling apart and running away from home.
While she's on her suspension Carter is determined to search every corner, alley and street to find Ben, what she finds is more gruesome then thought possible.
*This is just a continuation from the cancelled series, FINDING CARTER*