The Nightmare of the Photo part 2

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It has been two years since those things dragged me into their lives in this wretched photo, and to be honest I don't remember what it was like before they dragged me in here. I am still trying to find a way to escape but still haven't found a way to get even close to the exit of this place, but I have noticed a latch above the exit door of the entrance to whatever this place is and I've started planning on how I'm gonna get up there but so far I haven't come up with anything, because I'm basically banned from touching anything here.

So far Ive managed to steal about 40 to 50 yards of rope and a pulley system. Now all I need is a platform of some kind that will allow me to stand on without falling while I'm pulling myself up with the pulley I also need some kind of grappling hook to hook my rope to something that's sturdy enough to hold mine and the metal platforms weight.

I've been planning for awhile now and I've decided that I'm gonna try and steal a metal plate that's in the floor of the hallway that leads to the room they keep me in. It has a hole in the center of it that I can put the rope through the hole and secure it to the rope. Then I can stand on it while going up the rope.

I have also noticed that the guards that patrol the place carry around this hook type thing that's attached to their belt, but even though it's more like a harpoon than a hook it could still work as one. I just have to find a way to get one and modify it. The only problem is that I've got to find a way to take down one of the guards and get one, while also finding a way to get the metal plate out of the hallway floor without being noticed by one of the guards, and I still have to find a spot to hook the rope to that will allow me to reach the hatch as well.

Okay so I've been thinking and I think that I wanna get noticed by one of the guards because all they have are short ranged weapons so if I could get the plate to knock him out and then take their grappling hook and attach it to the rope and then make my escape.

Okay so I've decided to start my plan tonight I've just got to wait for the right moment. I'm thinking of starting my plan around midnight, but I've still got to make a distraction for the guard outside my door. So I go to the door of my room and get the guards attention. He turns around and say's

"What do you want kid."

I then tell him that I'm hungry and that I want some chicken because it takes for flipping ever for them to cook chicken around here and I needed as much time as I could get. Then as soon as the guard was around the corner and out of sight I open the door and go straight to the metal plate that's in the floor. I'm about to get the plate out of the floor when I hear the guards footsteps from around the corner. I jerk the plate from the floor and race to my door and close it. Then I look around for somewhere to hide and spot a little crevice in the wall so I jumped into it and used the plate to help cover me.

I'm sitting in the crevice waiting for the guard to get back to my door and when he does he says that they are out of chicken and he wants to know what else I wanted. When I don't answer he repeats himself then I still don't answer so he starts opening the door.

Meanwhile I take the time to rush out of the crevice in the wall and race up behind the guard and tackle him from behind then I repeatedly start hitting him in the back of the head with the plate. After a few hits the sheer weight of the plate and the help of gravity hitting him knocked him out.

I then start quickly taking off his armor and disguising myself with it while also making sure to grab his pistol and his knife as well as the grappling hook and then I carried him to the bed that I used and lay him in it. Then I cover him up to make it look like I'm sleeping in my bed instead of their being a knocked out guard in it. Then I reach under my bed and grab the rope and pulley, from underneath it and back out of the room with all the supplies I need to make my escape, but as soon as I get around the corner I see a patrol of about 20 or so guards and immediately jump back around the corner and hide in the same crevice I hid from the other guard. I hear them start getting closer and closer, so I finally decide to attach the custom silencer that I made from materials in my cell and attach it to the pistol. I only had 1 full mag left so I had to make every shot count.

After they pass me I creep out of the crevice and load the gun. I aim at the guards and start firing. They immediately react by spinning around and rushing towards me with their knife's I had no clue why they were rushing me with their knife's when they all had a pistol and about 5 or 6 full mags of ammo, but okay it was fine with me. Just makes it easier to kill them. I pick them off one at a time. Head shots only and after a few seconds their all on the floor dead. I quickly scavenge through their equipment and gather all their ammo and even a backpack from one of them. I quickly dump all of the ammo and supplies that I'd gathered from them in the backpack as well as the rope and stuff to better hide it from the other guards and make my way to the exit of the place they were keeping me in.

After a while I finally made it to the entrance of the building with about 50 to 60 full mags of ammo that I had taken from all the guards I had killed along the way which was about 60 to 70 or so. I even managed to find a grenade from one of them.

Once I get outside I look around and scan for anymore guards and see that the coast is clear, Well that is until I'm tackled to the ground by some sort of heavy guard. I thrash around and manage to twist around and grab my knife. I start to stab him when I noticed that it had no affect on him whatsoever. So I put the knife up and grab the grenade I found earlier and pull the pin. He sees it and jumps off me but he's not fast enough. Before he can get up and away from me I shove the grenade down his pants pocket and he was already about 40 to 50 yards away from me when he realized that it was in his pocket. He struggles to get it out of his pocket but before he can it explodes and sends shrapnel absolutely everywhere I cover my face to shield myself from the shrapnel, after a few seconds I bring my arms down to see that I was completely unharmed, so I get up and go to see if the guy had any heavy weaponry on him but unfortunately he did not. So I started making my way to the main exit to this horrible place.

When I got there I took everything out of my backpack and got it all set up. Then I took the grappling hook and threw it up to a hole right beside the hole I'm trying to get to and it went in perfectly and when it started coming out the hooks I attached to the hook earlier grabbed onto the inside of the wall and locked it in place. I then start my climb and when I get to the top I slowly climb off the metal plate and onto the edge of the hole. Then as soon as soon as I started making my way through the hole I immediately started being pulled up into some kind of interdimensional gateway. I was surprised by much force was pulling me into the thing and the sheer force of the thing and the fact that I was spinning around about 100 times every 5 seconds caused me to pass out almost instantly.

When I woke up I was back in my own house and I immediately noticed something. I noticed that the picture that first got me into the dread hole was gone and I was glad too because I never wanted to see that thing ever again because who knows what would have happened the next time I came into contact with that photo, but all I know is that it's gone and that it's never coming back. Well I hope not anyway.

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