Nightmare of the Photo Part 1

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     Hello, my name is Drake Jones I am 5ft 6, I have black hair, and blue eyes and I am going to tell you about the time when I found a haunted picture in an old abandoned house.

     One day I had to take another route home from work because a tree had fallen in the middle of the road that I usually take to get home. It looked pretty normal to me at first, then I passed this old abandoned house. When I saw it, my love for exploring abandoned places kicked in. I thought, "Wow that looks like a great place to go exploring."

     The next day was Saturday so I decided to go take a look at the house. When I got there, I got out my safety equipment in case I got into any trouble. I walked up to the porch steps. I tried the door and to my surprise, it was unlocked. So I walked inside and immediately I was hit by an extremely cold blast of air right in the face. It sent chills down my spine, but I kept going even though I was really creeped out. I started looking around, and I found a lot of valuable stuff just lying around. I thought, "Whoever used to live here must have needed to get out pretty quick."

     I walked in and saw an old photo half-buried under a pile of old clothes. I picked it up and looked at it. It was an old black and white photo of five people standing in a line holding hands. I didn't think that was very unusual, that is until I saw the masks they were wearing and what was behind them. They were all wearing masks of the characters from old cartoon shows like poppie, mickey mouse, and one other character that I didn't recognize. Then there was a car behind them and it was on fire, but that's not all I looked closer and saw what looked a hand and a fist on the inside of the car's front window trying to smash it. I sat there in true disgust as I said aloud, "Who the heck would keep a picture like this in their house."

     As I finished that sentence, I heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from somewhere inside the house. As soon as I heard the scream, I turned and ran straight out of the house and never looked back. I drove straight home and when I got home, I realized that I had forgotten to drop the photo when I left. I knew that I was not going back to that house, so I just decided to keep it in my treasure room down in my basement.

     A few days have passed since I found the photo and ever since I brought the photo home, I've been hearing strange noises in my basement. I just dismissed it as a rodent running around in the basement. Until one night I heard the same exact scream that I heard in that house again, but this time I heard it in my basement. I jumped out of my bed and grabbed my 500 Smith and Wesson that I leave on my bedside every night before I go to bed. I ran down the stairs to see the vault door that leads to my basement busted open and off its hinges on the floor. It's almost like something kicked or punched it open.

     I start to turn around and run when something catches the corner of my eye. I turn and see the picture sitting against the wall at the entrance of the hole where the vault door once stood. That's when I hear a sound that is all too familiar right behind me. I turn around and come face to face with my worst nightmare. I turned around and saw the figures from the picture. They were all just standing there staring at me. I sat there in fear of what they were going to do, and who or even what they were. I turned around to grab my pistol which I had dropped when I saw the figures. Suddenly, I heard one of them rush forward and felt him grab my ankle. I fell to the floor scrambling to get my gun, but it's just out of reach. I'm just about to give up when I hear one of them say in a child-like voice, "We're not going to hurt you; we just want you to help us."

     I turn around and stare in shock as I see a little kid standing there holding my ankle instead of that creature that I saw just a few seconds ago. The little kid looks at me and says, "Please help us! We're not here to hurt you! We just want to be free of this place that has trapped us for so long."

     I hear the little kid say that, and I realize that these kids aren't here to hurt me! They just want my help. The little kid lets go of my ankle and asked me if I will help them.

     I think for a second and finally got the urge to speak. I sadly said no, and that I could not help them because I didn't know-how. The kid who had grabbed my ankle backed away with a look of pure hatred on his face. All of the other kids had the same look on their faces like the one who had my ankle did. I see their faces and start to slowly back up to where I could grab my gun. The kids all put their masks back on, and the one with the Mickey Mouse mask said, "We thought you could help us, but I guess not. So now we're going to have to kill you because no one is allowed to see us and survive if they don't help us get free."

     I go to grab my gun to find that it's gone. I look back at the kids and see one of them with it in his hand. He then proceeds to crush it up in a little ball of metal and wood as if it were a piece of paper. I stare in shock at what the five or six-year-old kid just did to the gun's solid steel frame. Then I say one simple phrase, "What are you?"

     They all teleport right in front of me while holding machetes and axes and say in unison.

" We're your worst nightmare."

     I start to tell them that I'll help them but they didn't stop, so I did all I could do and that was close my eyes and wait to die, and just as soon as I closed my eyes they started demonically laughing as they proceed to cut and stab me over and over again. I never even got a chance to scream before I shot up in my bed and realized that it was just a dream, well that's what I thought until I went into the kitchen to get a glass of milk to find the kid that was wearing the mickey mouse mask from my dream, standing there in front of the picture. The kid said one sentence.

" Welcome to our world Drake."

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