Akita; ch 1

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Tommy sipped her drink slowly, looking out at the rest of the plane. Her eyes wandered to Merritt, sitting forlornly toward the front of the plane, then back to Davis behind her. She wished she could be with him, having him, Davis, and herself all sitting together, and she needed a plan.

But she was scared; she didn't want to tip off her parents, or God forbid Leigha found out. She figured this would be difficult, considering Leigha and Piper were sitting next to her, and constantly fucking with her. Maybe she could text Merritt and Davis to join her as she snuck off into the bathroom. However, texting didn't work, so she would have to do things the old fashioned way.

She would have to downsize.

She sighed as she stood up, sad to have to leave Merritt behind, cleverly bumping Davis on the shoulder before walking into the bathroom, leaving the door unlocked.

As Tommy made her way into the bathroom, she was surprised to see that Davis follow her through into the bathroom so quickly, but it left her all the more eager. They locked the door, and immediately, Tommy was shoved into the wall, Davis looming over her, their breath heavy. "Let's make purple,"** Davis whispered seductively into Tommy's ear, sending anxious chills down her spine.

Suddenly, as if by magic, the toilet and the sink she was leaning on began to bork like dogs and the unmistakeable odor of wet dog filled the room. Davis seemed to ignore this new development, continuing to place rough kisses down Tommy's jawline, but Tommy couldn't help but stare at the floating Akita as it just seemingly sat there, spinning and occasionally borking.

Then, as if they hadn't endured enough surprises, the lights flickered out with a spark and it was clear that the dog was glowing rose gold and has sparkling silver eyes that could look into your soul.

Suddenly, the dog let out a long, low "booooooork", and Davis stared, mesmerized. "Yuppadoodle, master," she said, and her eyes started sparkling as she began to float, her soul becoming enlightened, binding her to the omniscient borker.

"Oh-me-na-me-bork-eh-na-me," Davis and the great borker began to chant in unison as Tommy stared in confusion. Her confusion didn't last long though as the great borker's eyes caught her soul and she began to rise.

"Yuppadoodle," she said, "I understand now. Cabbage is a liquid." As Davis and the borker continued their sacred chant, Tommy sang You'll Be Back, but by replacing all the words with "42". The ritual had begun; they must prepare the sacrifice.

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