The Plate of Spaghetti

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Roger sat in his sleep at the front of the plane, unaware of the wonders that were ensuing in the bathroom. He, as everyone else on the plane, ignored the odd thumping that echoed from behind the door of the bathroom, and paid no heed to the occasional scream or moan that rang out as well. He only assumed that some lucky couple had finally joined the Mile High Club.
Tommy and Davis on the other hand had been completely oblivious to the rapid tartus-like extension of the bathroom that allowed for a palace sized airplane bathroom. As of now, they gazed up at the almighty Akita, who still hovered in the air, slowly spinning as he sang out his entrancing borks. The two knew what they needed to do.
"The duck," Akita's voice rang in their minds.
Tommy and Davis held their hands out, as if the almighty Akita was going to put plates of spaghetti in their hands. But rather, a ball of fire began to hover over each girl's hands.
"Bring him to me."
And so, the girls began their duty, and the bathroom door finally opened. Roger didn't bother to look back, rather he kept his gaze focused on the plate of spaghetti that he had brought with him on the plane. Little did he know that Tommy and Davis were floating towards him adamantly, balls of fire burning away at the eternal embers of the Great Akita. In fact, he didn't even notice until he felt an invisible force tugging on him, attempting to carry him up. Roger, being fairly easy to scare, began to scream bloody murder, he started to scream like he was on American Airlines. But he wasn't, he was on Southwest. He began to feel a slight tug in his jeans around is crotch and was very worried for some seconds before he realized that he was still wearing his seatbelt.
Yet Tommy and Davis still persisted.
"BITCH," the two girls hissed, and in an instant, Roger was ripped from his seat. He knew he wouldn't able to do a few things for a couple of weeks due to the damage given to his lower parts, but as of now, that was the least of his concerns. He continued to holler at the top of his lungs, gripping at the carpeted walkway of the airplane, but he could not resist the force as he was dragged to the back. He wondered why nobody did anything about it; nobody seemed to even give a shit. Even one of the flight attendants stepped lout of the way to make a passage for Roger as he was dragged into the bathroom, following the two girls with fire in their palm and glowing eyes. Once they had made their was (rather; floated their way) to the bathroom roger was immediately silenced, first by the pure immensity of the airplane bathroom, then by the soul-infiltrating incredibly intense silver eyes of the Akita. He once more felt a tightening in his jeans but chose to ignore it this time.
He lied petrified on the floor of the bathroom, staring up at the Akita in terrifying wonder and awe as the Akita only floated closer to him, and soon, their noses were touching. Roger's heartbeat pounded faster and faster in his chest, an odd feeling swelling in this stomach until he felt he could no longer stand such intensity.
All went silent. He wasn't sure what to do, what to say, how to feel, until, the Akita finally spoke.
"Cut the turkey."
Suddenly there was a knock at the door and a jagged silence fell over the abnormally sized bathroom. Tommy spoke first
"C'mon man I gotta piss"
The unmistakable voice of one Merritt McMillan rang through the bathroom.
Through his cult-induced delusion a smile was forced on to Tommy's face
"Then come in babe, it's only me"
Reticence followed. The Akita did not break eye contact with Roger, no matter how hard he tried to look away. Soon, heavy breathing could be heard outside the door, and so Davis opened the door to a red-faced Merritt who seemed a bit frustrated for some...

Some reason...

Davis channeled his inner Sherlock Holmes(trademark) to find why in the living fuck his face would be so resembling of a red cherry tomatoes but before he could anywhere in his sleuthing dashing boy with wild, curly hair walked up behind Merritt looked around for a few seconds with a confused look on his face, shrugged, and walked in to the bathkroom while undoing his zipper.
Jordy didn't seem to really give a crap about the floating Akita he just really had to piss.
The Akita smiled. "Excellent," he said, "it is multiplying."
But at that moment the Akita was transported back to a moment, a dreadful memory. Akita had been on an airplane, American Airlines at that (Akita would never do that again) and a boy with a pretty face and curly hair walked into his bathroom. Akita was yuppadoodle that Akita could control this boy, but that day was when Akita learned that of a person has more that 7ml of urine in their bladder when they entered akitas room then they could not be controlled by Akita's powers.
He shook the thought away. No matter, he thought. "We shall continue the ritual, ready the sacrifices."
And so with that Tommy and Davis floated over towards roger and began to sensually undress him as roger stayed transfixed staring into the akitas eyes.

Jordy (the curly haired boy who just had to piss) shrugged once more and went back to his seat. Merritt didn't have a clue what the fuck was going on, but he desperately wanted to be apart of it. The two boys and the two girls were brought over to a singular plate that sat in the middle of the room, where they hovered over it intently, their eyes glowing a bright red. The Akita began to bleat violently, like a satanic goat, as the sacrifices, all completely backed not, began to swirl the plate at intensifying speeds.
"WAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWWAAAAWAAA," they all began to howl. The Akita smiled, and soon, each of the sacrifices were compressed into individual noodles onto the plate.
"Finally!" the Akita cheered. "I have enough!" He said giddily. And so, he took the plate of four noodles, dumping onto a larger pile of many more noodles, prepared for the meal he had long awaited for

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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