The new Fairy

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Going through the sky's of  England we land at the open window of a baby boy room a very delicate baby boy laying in the crib of baby blue velvet thin sheets. At birth, the baby boy was very weak, but overtime at the hospital the baby was let out to go with its mom and dad. They care for the baby boy as good parents should. The rooms' walls of the same color of the wall sheets in the crib with sailboats on them like they were on waves detailed very much, the ceiling with the whites clouds as much detail as the boats look as fluffy as real ones, and baby toys all in toy bens shelf with baby books to help babies to sleep. The Mobil at the top of crib playing a sweet lullaby hanging over it by the ceiling, the baby boy opening its eyes with soft (E/c) hues the eyes looking at the Mobil and giving a soft and quiet laugh, even so the laugh coming from the baby mixing with the wind cause a dandelion seeds to go airborne, they fly through the sky but one falls behind going through the wind  delicately like it was one with it , going up so high to the big and smaller star, and so the dandelion seed was sent to the home of  fairies Neverland  , were the little seed was gliding through the air the same way before it came here,  going through a flower field were closed flowers home too garden fairies were the light shone from there wings through the the petals like curtains, the silowets of garden fairies show will some came out of there flowers  looking in the way the dandelion seed flew, a fairy of wind going by the name Vidia going too the dandelion and flying around of  it her black hair flowing from her high ponytail,going around the seed and the seed turning with the wind after her, using the wind  to make the seed to follow her like a baby swan , ( I say swan cause there more pretty)going  to the pixie dust tree were all the fairies of all kind were gathering to watch the beautiful birth of the new fairy, even though  they done this so many times the last being Tinkerbell or Tink who was also coming since this was the first time coming to one well exempt here own but she was living it cause it was her of course ,sitting with other tinkers  watching as her friend Vidia led the the dandelion seed too the ground spreading her pale arms out to make the seed land,Tink still couldn't believe that that same seed use to be her before getting sprinkled with pixie dust to make her, her friend Clarence who was the one to sprinkle the pixies dust on her doing the same to the to this very fairy who wasn't here yet going over too the dandelion taking the pixie dust holder( I don't know what's it's called;~;) and pour the pixie dust on it all of it when done you could see a boy fairy with (h/l) (h/c) hair that looked like it was glowing from the light of the flowing pixie dust off the pixie dust tree,porcelain
(s/t) skin in a dress similar to Tinks but longer above his ankles that had long sleeves, the dress sprawled around him perfectly in the same position Tinks sister periwinkle was, wings down not yet glowing, he lifted his head and upper body with it, he looked side to side then behind him to reveal the soft (e/c) of your eyes many fairies of different powers say many ''hellos" in many different voices of the fairies.

" H-hello? "A soft voice came from the male fairy.

But that is only the beginning.

That sucked didn't it? Well I'm trying so tell me what you think by my little water fairies

The new Delicate fairy(x crossdress male reader)Where stories live. Discover now