Kyoya Ootori x female reader

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"Where is the music room," I said to myself while holding my violin.

I have just transferred to the elite Ouran Academy as a music student. I was lucky to get in to this school with my grades.

I walked down the hallway and saw the signs, I opened the door to the 3rd music room and saw girls everywhere and a few boys. The boys were romancing the girls and they were all freaking out.

"Is this not the music room...?" I asked myself. Suddenly there were boys on either side of me.

"Hey there, new face~" one of the twins said.

"Hikaru, I saw her first," the other twin said and wrapped his hand around my shoulder, pulling me to him.

"What the-" I said, clutching to my violin.

"Kaoru, don't be selfish," Hikaru said slyly and held my hand.

"Ah hey what is going on here?!" I asked shocked at their actions.

"Hikaru, Kaoru, I don't believe she's here to indulge in the host club," a taller boy with glasses said.

"Oh," they said at the same time and let go of me. I patted down my dress and looked at the boy with the glasses.

"Sorry sir, do you know where the music room is?" I asked him.

He smiled down at me, "sure, I'll lead you to the room," he said and opened the door for me.

"Oh thanks," I said and walked out, holding the door after him.

"A lady shouldn't have to hold the door for me," he said charmingly.

I laughed, "sorry, it's a habit of mine."

"Quite alright," he said and walked me to the music room, "this id the real music room, the one you stumbled upon is our Host Club."

"Host club?" I asked.

"Yes, a group of young men wooing young ladies," he said with a smile, "though you wouldn't be interested in that would you ____?"

"Ah no, I'm sorry I wouldn't be," I said shyly. He smiled and started to walk away, "wait," he turned and looked at me. "I never got your name."

"Kyoya Ootori," he said.

"Thank you mr. Ootori," I said and walked into the music room.

The next few days I saw Kyoya more, he would wave at me or strike a conversation with me. Usually about school or casually try to charm me.


While walking towards the music room to practice, the twins from yesterday jumped in front of me with suspicious smiles on their faces.

"Uh hi?" I asked nervously.

They handed me a piece of paper and ran away. I looked at it confused and it read in bold letters, "COME TO THE DANCE SATURDAY AT 7PM."

"Huh..." I said and folded the paper up, putting it in my pocket.

When I stepped in the music room I saw Kyoya in there talking to the teacher. I walked to my practice place behind the curtain and sat down.

I started playing my violin and closed my eyes, not needing sheet music. I started humming along with the tunes. Pleased with myself I sat back in the chair and sighed happily. I gasped when a hand was placed on my shoulder. I look up and see Kyoya.

"You know that's a hard tune to play, especially without sheet music," Kyoya said.

"Well thank you," I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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