Chapter 1: The Desired Kiss

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Xi Luhan, a pretty gorgeous boy who is walking down the corridors of the prestige Exo High School. The corridors were crowded by the other students who were discussing their futures. It was almost summer and time for Luhan's graduation. This is his last year in Exo High and he was very saddened by this fact. He made many good friends in Exo High. Baekhyun and his boyfriend Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Kai, and lastly Sehun who was the closest to Luhan. It wasn't unusual to see the two together at all. Actually it was normal, and if Sehun wasn't with Luhan, everyone would ask Luhan where Sehun is.

Sehun and Luhan would be together all the time. They would eat lunch together, Sehun would appear right away when Luhan's classes finish and would go somewhere together. If the two were separate it would only be during class time.

To add to them being together, Sehun and Luhan were neighbours as well. They would walk to school and back home together every day. The perfect word to describe them would be- inseparable.

However, Luhan would sometimes notice some strange behaviour Sehun would show. For example, when the two hugged after winning a match, Sehun would place his hand under Luhan's shirt and would start touching his body under. There were other moments as well, like when Sehun would brush some sauce from Luhan's mouth with his finger and then lick it with his tongue.

Despite his strange behaviour at times, Luhan would just brush it off and thought of it as teasing. When Luhan graduated from Exo High, Sehun was saddened and he showed it by crying on Luhan's shoulder when Luhan told him that he wanted to go to Keirin University. Sehun begged Luhan to go attend Seoul Art University with him, but Luhan would decline saying he has made his choice.

Despite going to different schools now, Luhan and Sehun were still neighbours. They would still see each other every day and Sehun would sometimes come over to Luhan's house across the street. The time they spend together now, is however, really short compared to their time in Exo High.

Today Sehun came to Luhan's house. Luhan's mother greeted him as he went upstairs to Luhan's room. It was like Sehun is a part of their family. He knows his way around the house and knows everyone in Luhan's family.

"Luhan hyunggg!~ What are you doing!?" Sehun said bursting the door open, running from the door directly to Luhan and hugging him full force. "Sehunnie… I c-cant breathe" said Luhan who was sitting at his desk doing his homework was now suffocated by Sehun's powerful hug.

"haha sorry sorry Luhan hyung. I missed you so much".

"I missed you too Sehun but can you please let go of me now?"

Sehun let go of Luhan and sat on the bed. The blond was looking at Luhan who ignored Sehun and still continued doing his homework. Sehun lay down on the bed face down and inhaled large amounts of air from Luhan's bed. Luhan's smell was something so wonderful to Sehun's nose.

"Luhan hyung~ It's not polite to ignore your guests"

"You are not a guest Sehunnie"

"So mean!" said Sehun as he stood up and hugged Luhan again from the back. This time the hug was light and did not hurt Luhan.

"Sehunnie please stop. I can't concentrate" as Luhan said that, he suddenly felt two hands touching his body underneath his shirt.

"Im sorry Luhannie hyung  but I can't help myself. I just love you too much. It's about time you become mine, don't you think?"

Luhan was taken by surprise, but it's not like he didn't experience this before. Sehun would always ask him when he would become his and would often tease Luhan like this. Luhan always thought he was teasing him, but he couldn't help but notice the dark aura Sehun emits every time. It's like a separate personality.

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