Chapter 8: Miracle

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The morning sun was shining through the curtains into the room where Luhan and Sehun were sleeping on a bed. The two were sleeping together with Sehun at the back embracing Luhan in a tight hug, while the teal haired boy was completely out of energy, laying down helpless.

Luhan's eyes slowly started to open as he realised Sehun was sleeping behind him. The position was very uncomfortable for Luhan so he tried to escape Sehun's grip. Just as Luhan started moving, Sehun woke up and hugged Luhan even tighter than before.

"Mornin~ hyung babe..." It took nearly 30 minutes before Sehun finally got out of the bed. After standing up, he turned to look at the sight behind him. The bed had bloodstains and cum on it and Luhan was sitting in the centre of the bed. Sehun enjoyed the scenery but more specifically prided himself on the bruises on Luhan's body. They were marks... Sehun marked him as his.

After taking in the beautiful sight, Sehun headed downstairs to make breakfast. Luhan couldn't do anything but sit on the stained bed. The chains were changed again and this time it was so short, preventing him from walking around the room. He could only sit on the bed and watch what was happening around him.

Sehun came back with a tray full of food. Again, Sehun did the morning ritual of feeding Luhan mouth to mouth and then left the panting Luhan on the bed, and headed to the cupboard taking his school uniform out. Luhan noticed that Sehun was dressing for school.

Sehun came over to the bed and held Luhan's head up with his hand. Sehun was standing next to the bed while Luhan was in a sitting position on the bed. Sehun looked at Luhan from above while Luhan looked up. The two exchanged stares before...

"Sehunnie please don't go. I need you here" Sehun was shocked, just what happened? Sehun's eyes widened. He knew Luhan didn't love him... not yet at least. Sehun stood frozen staring at Luhan.

"How can you leave me alone here Sehunnie? Didn't you say we would always be together? I love you" Sehun's jaw dropped even lower as he looked into Luhan's eyes frozen. Did he hear right? Luhannie hyung finally realised who his true lover was? What is happening?

Luhan was observing Sehun's reaction. It seems that Sehun is taken aback by Luhan's sudden statement. Just as Luhan had hoped, this was his new plan. Make Sehun believe that Luhan fell in love with him, and then when he lets his guard down and unlocks the chains, Luhan would escape. For now, all Luhan had to do was make Sehun believe he loves him, to make him fall into the trap.

Luhan hugged Sehun as hard as he could with the strength he had but the blonde, still in his frozen self, finally came back to reality.

"Luhan hyung? Y-You love me?"

"Yes Sehun. I love you very much. I love you to death. Please don't go. Stay with me. I love you Sehunnie."

Sehun couldn't understand anything anymore, but suddenly a smirk appeared on his face as he pushed Luhan back on the bed. Sehun was on top of Luhan who was below him.

"Im sorry hyung babe but everyone will become suspicious if I don't come to school. "They" keep asking where you are all the time and Im really running out of ideas. We wouldn't want them finding out would we?"

Luhan's eyes widened. Someone was asking about him? Now that he thought about it, it has already been a week since Luhan was kidnapped. Time was on Luhan's side and surely after more time passes, someone would surely come to his help. For now he just had to wait and play the game.

"No... we wouldn't want that Sehunnie..."

Sehun smiled as he got off the bed and went to the door. "I'll see you after school hyung babe~" Sehun exited the room and luhan was left alone. Luhan had hope. Hope that "they" would find and rescue him. He just had to wait... just wait.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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