Too Late

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Chocolates POV

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Chocolates POV

" Wake up, chocolate. "

I could hear someone calling my name but, I couldn't see anything. I can feel something rough move up and down my thigh. I could hear something or someone breathing heavily. It sounds like an animal!
I panicked and punched and kicked the air wildly.

" Get away, go away! " I screamed trying to ward it away. Bullseye, it hissed lowly.

" You stupid cunt," before his hand came down I know who it was.

" That's the second time you fucked up, chocolate. One more time and I'll see how long you can go in isolation away from everybody, except for me. I know you would act up but, not like this. Running off, I figured. I could see why you went to our son. What I don't understand is why you stood there like a dolt. What was the point of running away, just to create chaos?" He sighed and pulled a cigar out of his pocket. I froze as his arm rubbed against mine. A few puffs turned into a graveyard, I could hardly breathe. I ran my fingers along the door to roll down the windows.

" No, " He slapped me hard and slammed my back against the door. He pushed himself between my legs. I could feel his sausage pulsing against my thigh. I didn't move not wanting to give him any sort of impression. His hungry eyes bore into my skull, his tongue slid around the corner of his mouth, saliva fell onto my chest.

I felt for the door handle cautiously with my right arm, while my left tried to create some sort of barrier between us. His hand's messaged my cheek, then my bra. He leaned in close but, I opened the door before his disgusting lips could touch mine.

I bounced like a ground ball in a dugout, rolled down the hill into a ditch. By some miracle, I got up an ran. The wind whipped hard, I looked at the sky and seen the stars. How long was I out? Where am I?

The ground feels soft and mossy which is extremely weird today was blistering hot. The trees are really close together there's a lot of them too. The leaves feel like silk sheets under my feet. They don't even crunch.

Suddenly searing pain belted my back, I fell to the ground face first in agony. I curled into fetal position trembling, all I could do was cry and for a good minute, I did. I nearly jumped out of my skin when a few squirrels appeared from out of nowhere scattered to search for acorns. It was like they'd broken some sort of trance crickets chirped, a frog croaked and bugs buzzed. I welcomed them wisdom loves bugs.

Wisdom, please be safe.

All at once squirrels scarred up the tree, bugs barreled underground, and the frog hopped away. I could hear the loud pounding of boots, just a short distance away. Frantically, I scanned for a deer den, there's got to be at least one.

I...I can't find any.

Oh no, think. Maybe...maybe I'm black enough to blend in with the tree. I inched backward, biting my tongue to keep myself from screaming. I leaned back and fell into something moist, dark, and hollow. I held my breath, I could hear the boots squeaking along the grass. A dimly lit light from a flashlight is shining on the spot I had been laying in. I can see the imprint I left from here. I crawled a little further inside until my back hit the bark. A hissed of pain escaped me, fuck. My hand immediately flew to my mouth. A twig snapped the light shined on the tree right next to mine.

I watched horrified as the light grew closer. I slowly rose to a sitting position, hugging my feet to my chest. I bit down on my tongue until I could taste blood. The light pointed at my tree directly outside the hole.

Please Go-

Too late.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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