It Gets Worse

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I was at the edge of my bed, my hair hanging from my head. I bent my head down, staring at my feet. The air was choking me, the room was engulfing me and my thoughts. I couldn't concentrate well, my thoughts weren't straight. I couldn't get over the fact my uncle died. I couldn't grasp that he was gone. Permanently. 

My uncle, Elliot, was one of the people who I trusted with my life. Besides Jay, he was the other guy. He was 27, turning 28 next month. He was pretty young, my mum was 13 years older than him. He had a nice smile to greet me everytime I saw him. He treated me like I was his age, mature and respected. He was a better guardian than both of my parents. Honestly, they didn't care about me. Or as much as I wanted them to. They were too occupied with their jobs that they only had time to buy food for me. Basically, I was like their pet. 

That's why they didn't know how to tell me that he died. Because they didn't know how to. They've never been a parent. 

I haven't talked to them ever since Jay told me the news, which was approximately 2 days ago. I haven't eaten anything either. My mum and father have been pleading for me to get out of my room. I never responded to them, there was no use. They stopped an hour ago, they had to go to work. I didn't find that quite surprising, in fact. I didn't go to school for the past 2 days, it didn't even matter anymore. There wasn't a point in going to school if I could barely keep myself together. I depended on people to hold me together, to sew the seams so I could be alive today. But ever since Elliot died, half of me was already gone. I don't know how I'm going to do this.

While I was creating a storm in my head, I heard a loud creak following some glass shattering and thumps. What in the world. I wobbled to the door, unable to stand properly. Man, my legs hurt. I trudged down the stairs, clutching onto the railing on the wall. As I got to the entrance, a vase was shattered on the ground and a bag was left near the door. Is this some sort of robbery or what? I headed to the kitchen  and noticed a figure sitting at the table.

"Logan. What the hell are you doing here?" I gaped at him and tilted my head. 

"I'm babysitting you," Logan immediately stood up once he saw me. "Today,"

"Yeah, in your dreams. Now get out," I began to reach for his wrist to pull him outside.

"Acacia, you're aware that your parents hired me, right?" he cocked his head and hid a smile.

"I'm fully aware. I find it funny that you think I would give in so easily. Get out, Logan," I grabbed his wrist, tugging him out of the kitchen.

"Woah there. Don't have to get fiesty," he smirked and stood still, not letting me pull him.

"Don't you dare push my buttons right now," I growled at him and let go of his hand. 

"Whatever. You look like a mess," he noted and stared at me. I was in my pyjamas and my hair resembled a lion's mane. It looks like I came from the jungle.

"Thanks," I answered sarcastically. "Now since I'm stuck with you for a month, may I ask you why you accepted this offer?"

"Various reasons," he smirked and slipped his hands into mine. "First, I get money for watching you. And I get to see you everyday. That's enough for me," I could hear his voice crawling down my back.

"You know you are annoying, right?" I informed and inched away from him.

In a fraction of a second, Logan pressed against me and cuffed his hands on my face, elegantly and perfectly. His lips brushed against mine and he trailed off my lips to my forehead. He let go and answered cockily. "I'm glad you think so,"

What is with him? Why is he acting this way. He just kissed me - Acacia Brinely -. A player, who was undeniably attractive had just kissed me. I should cherish this, like any other girl. Even though I might be hated, I still have dignity. And I won't be like those other girls, who've dug a hole and fallen deep for him.  

"I'm leaving," he grabbed his coat and slung his backpack on. 

"Aren't you supposed to stay here? You know, do what you're paid to do, babysit me?" I followed him as he went to the door.

"I'm starting in two days. I just came to see you," he flashed his white teeth and held out a key. A key to my house.

"What? How the-" I began to respond in surprise, but he closed the door. "-heck did you get a key to my house?" I finished my sentence as I saw Logan get in his car.

How did my parents trust him with a key to my house. I glanced out the window and noticed Logan's car drive away. This is going to be worse than I expected. He can get in my house anytime he wanted. Shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2014 ⏰

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