[2] • The Lullaby That Stayed •

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When Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys walked up the hill. "You okay Harry, you seem destress?" Asks Hermione. She places a hand on Harry's shoulder, he jumped startled by her touch. Hermione has always been a good friend of his.

"Yea, just," he sighs, how could he explain his weird dream? And the girl, who was that girl. Her voice and everything about was so familiar to him. And that lullaby is stuck in his head, he even started humming a bit when they first started walking but stopped when Ron heard him.

"Just what? You know can always tell me, Harry," Hermione being the concern, kind friend she is.

"It's just I had this dream last night," he starts. "There was girl, it was a memory from when I was a baby, I don't remember much. Only her voice, her singing and what she said to me before I woke up."

"What did she say?" Asks Hermione, even she couldn't pin who the girl either. It wasn't his mother, the way he talked of her, was every sibling like. A sister, she quickly shook out of her thoughts and pushed it aside.

"She said to remember as long as you can find your light, you'll never lose." He says mumbling.

"Well she's not wrong, she sounds very wise," says Hermione.

"Yea she does, I just wish I could remember who she was," says Harry, sad.

"Remember who?" Pop in the twins, of course. The twins always loved popping into conversations.

"Bloody hell, we need to put bells on you two," says Ron. Hermione gives him a stern look for his vocabulary. "What it's true?" He insists. Hermione rolls her eyes.

Harry sighs," Nevermind." No one asks for the rest of the night, and after what happen at the world cup. Everyone was worried for Harry but the twins had their minds on someone else.

Harry was at the Borrow, he was walking upstairs to Ron's room when he overhead Molly and Arthur talking with the twins and who seem to be Remus? He stopped where he was and listen. "Mum where is she coming back-" "it's been threes year now."

"Fred, George, she's doing this to protect Harry. And you know she wouldn't come back until she's ready." Molly argues.

"Molly, dear, they're only curious, she is their friend," says Arthur.

"What about Sirius, surely he wants to see her, he is her godfather," says George. Harry gasped under his breathe. Who were they talking about....

"George, you know her and Sirius's relationship is beyond and of course, he wants to see her now that he's out and she'll want to see him as soon as she knows-" George cuts Remus off.

"She doesn't?"

"No, she's been very quiet, not really answering our letters, but give her time, Aurora will back soon..." Says Remus. Aurora, that name was so familiar to Harry. When he thinks of the name, he thinks of the stars. He gets up and walls to Ron's room, Ron - who snored a strom. He quietly walked to the window of Ron's room and looked to the stary night sky.

"I don't know why, but when I look at the stars, I think of you, but I don't know who you are," he says mumbling to himself.

Harry swears in the wind, he hears her voice singing the lullaby again. "Lullaby, little one, sleepily gazing
Out where a star glitters, bright and amazing!
Little one, sleepy one, com now and wander
Far in the star-country, glimmering yonder!" Her whispering voice, gentle and as sweet as from the dream. He didn't who she was, but he was gonna find out.

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