Chapter 14:Captured

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"Well I will go now maybe someday or later you will come back to the group I hope,thank you and goodbye" Jeny said while crying,a shed of tears drops in my eyes.

"Well who do we have here? Jeny,join your friends will you?" Margela said "where are they?" Jeny asked "In the chamber!" Margela shouted.

I packed my thing so I can go back to our group,I went in there and I saw them in a Chamber I tiptoed to go there "hi guys" I said with a soft voice "Angela!" They shouted "shh!" I said "Don't worry I'm gonna get you guys out of here" I said,I maid a key using water and makes it solid using thunder,the problem,when we opened the door it has a little squeek sound,"well who do we have here? Angela E. Ortez" Margela said " how do you know my name and Jeny blast her with your fire powers"I said and she didn't do it "you mean my powers? Haha" Margela said and she laughs.

"Sorry Angela!" Jeny said "that's ok" I said,"well say goodbye to Russle" Margela said and she laughs "no!" I shouted and used my powers,I think I figured it out! "Now taste my powers Margela!" I said and used my powers,Margela burst and drops Russle I save him using my powers.

"You fine?" I asked "yeah thank you" he replied,and we are searching for Sensei,we pushed the button and we saw sensei,resting,"sensei!" We shouted "woahh what is it?" Sensei asked "Margela is missing!" "And we cannot find her!" We said "you need to stop her at once! And quick! And I need to go back to my sleep!" Sensei shouted.

We pushed the button and search for Margela.


Hi guys today I am going to tell you a riddle and it's about the ending,ok here we go,"two three humming birds,the ending is not cursed." Ok now thank you guys and stay cool😎😎

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