Chapter 21:Extra Preperations

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"Hey guys! Everything ok here?" Kate asked "yes,everything is fine Kate" Jeny replied "well your pictures are all set up Angela! We just need an extra preperations" Kate said "extra preperations?" We asked "you know banners,balloons and of course,the roses,18 roses" Kate said "ohh that kind of preperation" I said.

...One Day Later...

"Hey Angela! Wake up wake up!" Jeny shouted on me and I woke up "hmm why?" I asked with a soft voice "let's swim!" Jeny shouted "no way! First we need some breakfast and I heard there's an all you can eat buffet outside just pay $20 per person" Kate said "well what are we wating for?" I said "umm I think we are waiting for you to take a bath" Jeny said "haha very funny" I said then they laugh.

When we go outside there's a lot of peoples there "woah so many peoples here!" I shouted and we saw Russle and Mila together again! "Don't worry guys I'll cook" I said and we went on the room we rent and surprisingly it has a mini kitchen,I am making pancakes and I put a half butter and syrup,"your pancakes are ready to eat" I said "now let's get out of here" Kate said.

Now we traveled 6 hours,and we are going to decorate Kate buys 18 roses while we decorate some banners and we let the balloons float,and we put the downloaded music on the music screen "the date today is Aprril 23 so 2 days to go and it's 25 now" I said.

...One Day Later...

I woke up and I am so surprised when I looked at the calendar "wow! It's April 24! Tomorrow is my birthday!" I shouted,if you asked where is my mom she is in a vacation,tomorrow she will go home,then Mila,Jeny and Kate goes here.


Well Hi there guysss it's chapter 21 the next page is chapter 22 and the ending is nearby sad face :( well let's just be happy cause the next page is a cool chapter.

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