Hermione is Back

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As he leaves the office, Percy has to admit that Dumbledore can easily compete with Chiron in the wise old men category. He let Percy explain himself after he mentioned he already knew of him being a demigod, courtesy of Snape. He had kept quiet and only murmured a few words here or there, usually pointing out the lesson to found. When Percy had finished, Dumbledore leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh. His old eyes looked at Percy with sadness. He stated that he recommends Percy stay and finish out the school for a couple reasons. One that if he suddenly were to leave the suspicion building in certain students were increase drastically. Second that the school is in a bit of a tight spot and Percy would be quite the asset, their trick up their sleeve if you will.

So here Percy is, drifting back to his already-favorite spot by the lake, thinking over what he should do. Dumbledore gave other reasons and even mentioned the reasons why he would chose to go home, but the previously mentioned two are the primary causes of his indecision. He doesn't want another war, he just got out of his second and from the headmaster's tone that is exactly what he will be getting into if he stays.

Percy plops down on the grass beneath the large tree and lets out a large breath. He stares into the water, listening the wind lightly play against its surface. Everything seems so calm. It's hard to believe that anything is going on at all. His thoughts wonder briefly back to the Weasley twins. They know a bit about him and could cause trouble if he stays, but then again they're the reason he's here in the first place. 

"What am I going to do?" he asks no one in particular. 

"What's going on?" a soft feminine voice says, causing him to jump.

He turns around to see Hermione Granger looking back at him with knitted eyebrows, a look Annabeth gets whenever she is puzzling over something. How in the world did she sneak up on him?

"Ahh... nothing much really. Just relaxing." He replies with a shrug.

"Oh." She sits down beside him, a large book tucked under one arm. "Something's bothering you though."

Wow. She's insightful. Not that is face didn't totally betray him. " I guess you could say that."

She waits a moment. And another moment. And another. And the suspense killed her quick. "What is it?"

Another shrug and he looks back out to the lake, trying to decide what to say. After a short moment he decides, making up his mind on more than a few things. "I was just thinking I'm going to miss my friends back home. Summer sure is a long way off."

She seems to accept this and opens her mouth to ask another question. He instantly knows that this will never end until she has unearthed every little detail of his life. He went through this with Annabeth his first year at camp.

He shakes his head before Hermione can start. Then he tugs the book out of her hand and when she reaches for it he hold it above her head. It takes a moment for his eyes to decipher the title. "Divergent?Any good?"

She huffs in annoyance and makes another grab for her book, but to no avail. "I wouldn't know. I haven't got to start reading it yet because someone snatched it from me!"

He hands it back with a smirk. She's way easier to distract than Annabeth is. Nobody can seem to beat the persistence of his Wise Girl. "Well don't let me interrupt any longer then."

He stands up, gives the frustrated girl a wave and heads back into the building. He's not very comfortable around anyone here. Then again he hasn't been comfortable with much of anybody since the war. It's why he spent most of his time either in his cabin, the arena or at the beach. As he walks he doesn't expect Hermione to follow, but she does. 

Practically nipping at his toes she says,"Wait. There is something else I wanted to talk to you about."

"Oh?" He stops and faces her.

She pushes the hair out of her face and glares at him. "Are you friends with Draco Malfoy?"

He blinks a couple times, before busting out laughing. It takes several minutes for Percy to speak through gasping breaths. "Ha that guy? No way. I would rather eat Iris's macrobiotic beef jerkey!"


"Trust me the stuff taste tense times worse than the worse than you have dared put in your mouth. You do not want to try it." He says, crossing his arms. "Is that all you wanted to ask me?"

"Why do you sit with him if you hate him so much?" Hermione says, accusingly.

He holds up his hands in a 'hold up' way. "I don't anyone here yet. I had to sit somewhere. One of the biggest mistakes of my life and that's saying something."

She shakes her head and gives him a curious look, then sighs as if surrendering to something. "Well you can hang with me, Ron and Harry if you would like. I mean can't eat together, but at least you can say you know someone."

"Cool. When do you want to hang?"

"I'm heading to library now to meet up with them. You are welcome to come." She still doesn't seem entirely happy about the idea and Percy wonders why she seems to dislike him. Maybe because he's a puzzle she's can't piece together. Maybe because he has this special ability when it comes to annoying people. Likely it's both things.

He groans. "I hate libraries. Who invented them anyway. Worst idea ever."

After a pointed look from Hermione he shrugs again and then follows her. It might be a good idea to at least know a few people at the school he plans to spend the rest of his year at. Man what is he going to tell Annabeth?


So very many miles away from Hogwarts is Camp Half Blood. On the porch of the big house is a very angry blonde seventeen year old girl pacing and shooting glares at a pair of brothers, who might as well be twins. She has only recently gotten her boyfriend back and fought a war after loosing him for eight months and now thanks to these two idiots he is gone again to who-knows where.

To say she is furious is an understatement. They are just lucky that someone had the foresight to confiscate her knife and clear away anything that could be used as a weapon before they let her at the brothers. Still the two seriously fear for their lives. 

Nobdy, be they goddess or a pair of demigods, messes with Percy lest they bare the full wrath of Annabeth Chase. Oh yeah Conner and Travis are in so much trouble.


Short I know, but I hope you enjoyed. And don't forget to check out my other stories. Sorry no pic today.

Anyway you know the drill: vote, comment and follow please

~ Halie <3

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