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Percy sighs as he slouches back against a wall. His whole body aches, a feeling that he is unfortunately very used to. His right arm has been broken a second time and he is cut up pretty badly in some spots. He is locked away in a dungeon of some sorts in who knows where. Voldemort and the others apparated here shortly after they left the school grounds. Once they dumped him in the dank room they left and he isn't completely sure that they didn't forget about him.

As he sucks in another breath his throat tightens and he coughs. And then he coughs some more. He's probably been down here for five hours already. There's without a doubt mold everywhere with how damp and cold the room is. Great. That's all he needs, to catch pneumonia.

Suddenly there's a creaking and the door swings open. Percy shoves himself to his feet and finds himself nose to lack of nose with the snakeman himself. The pale man smiles. It's a sinister smile that sends goosebumps rippling down Percy's back.

"Well well well, aren't you a determined one," Voldemort hisses, as he begins to walk around the demigod.

Percy stays still. He's well aware of the fact that he's outmatched. The only thing he can do is hold his tongue and wait for the opportune moment to strike back. If it ever comes. So he stares straight ahead and refuses to give this man the satisfaction of a response.

Voldemort grabs a fistful of Percy's hair and yanks his head. "Just what does that old man Dumbledore want you for?"

Percy looks at him out fo the corner of his eyes. "Rumor has it he's only using me for Quidditch, but I like to believe it's because of my personality."

And just like that his whole body is consumed with pain instigated by only a single word. Percy drops like a stone, curling partially in on himself. Through the fiery haze he glares up at Voldemort, stubborn to the last drop. The pale man sticks his face right in Percy's and the black haired teen would gag at the stink from his breath if his body weren't spasming uncontrollably. "Clever, but stupid."

Finally the pain stops and Percy takes in a large, shuddering breath. He looks up and smirks. "It's true though. I'm told that I have a good sense of humor and that I'm truly an optimistic person."

Apparently Mr. Noseless does not agree. That or he just has a funny way of showing it. "Crucio!"

- O - O - O - O - O -

Dumbledore stares across his desk at the blonde haired teen. She has her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed. "What did you say?"

The old headmaster sighs and leans forward. "I said that I'm afraid Mr. Jackson has fallen into the hands of our enemy."

"Your enemy," she snaps. "Not ours. Percy is not one of you."

"Ah but it appears he is," Dumbledore says, not entirely at ease telling this girl that she's wrong. After all she is the daughter of Wisdom herself. "He is as much one of us as he is one of you."

She grimaces and seems to ponder her next response. Unease and worry sweep across her features, breaking briefly the boiling anger. Finally she drops her hands at her sides. "Fine, but that doesn't mean he has to be a part of all this." She glares at the headmaster. "I'm going to get him and then we're going back to New York. He is not helping you any farther. I don't care what he says about it."

And with that she turns and leaves, slamming the door closed behind her, a feat on its own. That door is old, rusty and rather heavy.

Dumbledore sighs once more. "Very well Miss Chase. Very well."

- O - O - O - O - O -

Percy blinks awake, his eyes crusty from the salty tears he hadn't realized had fallen during his last 'session' with Voldemort. His body aches feverishly and he's pretty sure his right arm is dislocated on top of being broken. His skin is laced with deep cuts, the result of yet another spell.

The little cell he is in is fortunately very empty and quiet. However it is also still damp and musty. He turns onto his side and coughs. Yes, he's definitely caught that cold. He coughs again. And again. Now he is doubled in on his hiself in a coughing fit. He groans as a headache beats at the back of his eyes painfully. 

How did he go from joking with Ron before bed to being a sick, beat up captive? Oh right. He's like a bad luck charm or something. This kind of thing is almost to be expected.

"Stupid people without noses," he grumbles to himself. "So grumpy and evil just because they can't smell anything."

He lays his head back down and stares up at the ceiling. And to make matters worse, he's bored out of his mind. If he didn't hurt so much right now he would probably be tapping his foot or something. His arm hurts the most though. Stupid Malfoy, he just had to fall on it while they were fighting.

Suddenly there's more light in the dingy room and Percy has to shield his eyes for a moment to avoid being blinded. When he finally looks back he's greated with quite the sight for sore eyes.

Annabeth stands there through the hazy mist of an iris message. She first sighs in relief when she sees him. "Thank gods Percy. I thought the IM would never go through." Then she frowns and her eyes shrink to slits. "What in the Hades do you think you're doing jumping into another war?!"

He sits up slowly, left hand raised in a peacemaking gesture. "Hey it's not like I meant to or anything. It's just that they needed help. I wasn't planning on actually fighting if I could help it."

"Oh really? Percy you fight with your cousins all the time and you think that you have enough self-restraint to not fight during a war?"

"Hey I-" That's when Percy notices that his girlfriend's not standing there alone. Before her stands a sheepish looking pair of twins with identical black eyes. "Uh what did you do to Fred and George?"

Annabeth glances back at the brothers. "Oh them? I just owed them my thanks for their help getting you here. They were rather generous after that when I asked about what you had been up to?"

Percy stares wide eyed for a moment before he smiles a little. "Just try not to maim them too much Wise Girl."

Annabeth rolls her eyes and scoffs. Then she seems to finally take a good look at Percy. Her eyes become huge and she says. "Percy, what in the Hades did you-"

Suddenly the iris message cuts off and Percy groans as he hears the door open. He turns expecting to see Voldemort, but is instead greated by Bellatrix Lestrange.

- O - O - O - O - O - 

Finally I got you guys an update. I plan to get my others stories updated soon now that I'm done with school.

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