chapter 2

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Well guys Im not sure if anyone is  even reading but if you are well you are amazing and the song that I think goes well with the book is Stand up and One thing by who else but One Direction : ) So thank you



After ten minutes of walking we reached harry's destination Im guessing because we stopped outside a apartment building. And believe me the place was huge It was one of those fancy places. But then I remembered that he was famous so of course he was going to live some where big.

But them my thoughts were interupted by harry opening the door to a apartment pretty high up considering the look from the window at the end of the hall.

"Come on babe" he said to me with a cute smile


We walked into the apartment to see a sleeping Louis on the couch I laughed to myself. Harry turned to me with a mishchevious expression. He slowly crept to the couch and jumped on louis and hugged him. Louis's eyes shot open.

"What the hell Haz I was sleeping you know!!!!!" He pouted but stoped when he looked at me

"Ohhh Hazza who is the girl is she your girlfriend."he smiled poking his arm

Harry face instently went red I smirked

"No..." he pouted

He was such a kid at times but I like it about him people who take life to seriously are usually boring and don't know how to have fun.

After a bit "oh and her name is Tayla."

Louis jumped up to shake my hand "Well hi there Tayla." He said

After meeting Louis. Harry dragged me out of that room and in to another room I was guesing it was his room. It was pretty huge but then again I live in a tiny house so almost every house was huge to me but this is a whole new level. There was a huge tv hanging on the wall. The bed was huge covered in a white comforder. I loved this place It was amazing then I realized I have probaly staring around the room like a bloody idiot.

I turned back to him. He smirked at me

"Well when your done staring at my room you should come play the wii with me and louis." he said with a smirk

"Not if I beat you there first ." I said

I took of running through the apartment. To be honest I had no bloody idea where I was going. But then I heard foot steps behind me.

"Wrong way" Harry wispered in my ear.

I just about melted by the sound of his voice

"Oh-hh" I studdered damn I really have to stop doing that

"come on" he said again and he grabbed my hand and walked me to the living room.

By the time we got there our fingers were entertwined I didn't want to let go

But then Louis interupted "Well are we going to play or not."

"Of course." Harry replied

"What are we playing" I asked curiously

"MARIO PARTY" he screamed

I just had to laugh I never had this much fun in forever.

well after about 2 hours later of playing Mario party(It was a competitive game with harry always demanding a rematch against me and louis) But now we were all hungery.

"So what should we eat" Harry asked us

''Tacos!!!" harry and I laughed

"Ok" harry said while laughing "Ill get cooking Tayla you want to help me."

"sure" I said

We made tacos like louis wanted they were amazing. He is such a good cook. After we were all done eating It was 10:00pm. I had to be home I checked my phone six missed calls from my parent but I didn't care.


Harrys Pov


We finished eating I looked at my phone it was 10:00 pm.

"Tayla what time do you have to go home?" I asked

Her eyes dropped and her smile turned to a frown

"You dont want to go home do you." I said

"Not with my parents" she said

"well you dont have to go then" I said as I pulled her into a tight hug

She smiled again "Thanks"

"well come on you could sleep in my room" he said as he smiled

As soon as we got to my room I tossed her a huge shirt that was way to big for even me

"what's this for" She asked

"You have to sleep in something other than jeans I mean thats got to be uncomfortable." I said

"fine" She finally said

"Wheres the bathroom" she also said.

"Right across the hall" I said

"K" and she left the room

When she came back she looked hot she had the oversized shirt on and her hair was up in a quick pony. I have got to stop staring. So I turned away and looked out the window for ten or more minutes.

As I turned around she was already in my bed asleep

I was already for sleep so I just got into the bed next to her. After staring at her for about 5 minutes I just had to get up and kiss her forhead. She stirred in her sleep but didnt wake. I got back in bed next to her and grabbed her around the waist. I eventually fell asleep to I could stay like this forever.....



Well what do you think of the story so far???

Please vote fan and listen to more 1D they are amazing!!!!!!!!! thank you for reading




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