Chapter 3

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Tayla's pov


I woke up after a good nights sleep. I realized that there were a pair of hands around my waist. I tilted my head back a bit It was harry. He looked so cute when he's asleep. Wait what the hell am I saying I barley know him. But that didnt change the fact of how cute he was. 

I tried to get up with out waking him up but I failed his lound snoring stoped and he sat up. 

"Where you going Tay???"

Tay where the heck did he come up with that oh well I think It is pretty cute for him to call me that.

"Just to go to the bathroom"

"Oh Ok" And he plopped back down on the bed and the snoring began again. I laughed about it to my self.

I ran to the bathroom I looked in the mirror my hair was a mess but other than that I was ok I needed to go back to my house to get some new clothes. But I really didnt want to go alone. But hey I have to face my fears at some point.

I went back to harry's room he was just wearing boxers were those what he was asleep in I dont know but I didnt care my guy friends walk around in there boxer when I stay the night at there houses.

"Hey Harry"


"I need to go to my house"

"Why" He asked almost nevous

"Just to go and get some clothes." I said

"Ok just be back here in 1 hour we are going to go some where." he said in a happy voice


I went back to the bathroom and got my dirty clothes and put all of them back on because I was not going back outside in just a shirt. That would be very bad. So I put them on but I left harrys shirt on.

And I went out to the living room where the door is. Louis was still asleep on the couch. does he ever go to his room to sleep, But I finally made my way to the door. 

Outside I was fairly warm but still cold from coming from a nice warm apartment. 

After awile of walking I made It to my house

I walked in the front door.

Every one was still asleep. 

So I quietly walked to my small room I took a quick shower and then changed in to a pair of skinny jeans and a lace tank top. I grabbed a bag and shoved a pair of short and shirt and my ipod. And I was out the door before they woke up and probaly started to scream at me. I walked as quick as I could back to Harrys apartment. I ran In to harry cooking pancakes I smelled amazing.

"hello there love" he said

"Hi harry"

"you hungry" 

"Of course"

he handed me a plate with some pancakes and a platefor himself

We ate it in like 3 minutes

I turned to him "so what are we going to do today??"

"we are going to go the carnival that is here."

"wow that sounds fun!!!!" I never really went to a carnival before

He started to blush"I have to ask you a queation"


"Tayla would you go out with me??"

"Of course Harry!!!" I ran towards him and hugged him

The rest of the day went by fast. i was so excited to go to the carnival

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2012 ⏰

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