7. Blood?

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It's been a week now, and I'm still under my covers in my bed. I could absolutely do nothing, so I had to call Niall. He helped me take a shower, fed me and took care of me like I was a baby. He only leaves me alone at night, then comes back in the morning around eleven a.m.

When I saw myself the first time in the mirror after that night, I cried. White as snow, thin as a squelette, dark bags under my eyes, and the bite. The bite was awfully visible on my neck, super large that it almost took all the space there. I never wanted this.. I'm a fragile person, and I assume it, I'm not ashamed of that. I'm not like all these humans that like it when being sucked by a vampire. It always reminds of my mum, and then the nightmares get even worse..

Niall just left; he prepared some pasta for me, he's quite a good cook actually. So I start eating, watching a ridiculous show on the telly. I feel a little better now, but I'm still anxious about everything that happened. I hope I'll heal soon; am I even gonna heal? I really hope so.

After finishing my meal, and putting down the tray, I lay down on the bed. The second I do it though, I straighten myself immediately, and cover my mouth with one hand, while other is gripping the end of the bed. I look all around the room, looking for a tub or a bucket, so I could puke, but I don't see any. Even if there was one, I wouldn't had time to reach; my head goes towards the floor, and I vomit. I feel like my stomach's gonna explode, It really hurts a lot.

When I open my eyes though, they get wide by staring at what's on the floor: Blood.

I vomited blood! I'm not supposed to vomit blood! Those who suffer from cancer are the ones who vomit blood, not me! It's definitive, I'm dying.

The worst is that I don't stop, I can't stop. I feel like I'm puking all the blood that I have in my body, to the very last single drop, and it hurts as fuck.


Ten minutes, I kept vomiting during ten minutes, the bedroom's floor is full of blood.
When I finally stop, I look at my blood with abhorrence, disgust, and shock. I suddenly start feeling dizzy, light headed. My body's so weak, I can't find the strength to even budge a muscle. I try to look for my phone, to call Niall, but I can't find it.

So I land on my bed. The superior half of my body on the bed sheets, and the other half still on the floor; I fight to keep my eyes opened, but I can't. My vision becomes blurry, and then; pitch black.

"Mum.. Help.." I whisper.


"Oh fuck, what happened?!" Yells a voice in my bedroom, while my eyes open a little. "Liam!"

It's Niall, I recognize his voice. When my eyes open are completely opened, I notice that I'm feeling actually pretty good.

When I drift my gaze toward the nightstand, my eyes lock with blood on the ground, and I remember what happened last night. But I barely remember what happened after all the vomiting.

"Louis! Are you okay?" Cries Niall.

"I'm fine, don't worry, and please, stop yelling.."

"Y-yeah, sorry. Oops?"

" 'S okay." I smile. "Hi," I then say.

"Hi, what's all that blood, Boo?" He asks, worriedly.

"Yesterday, I-I vomited.."

I slowly straighten myself, and look up at Niall, who's face expression only shows worry and panic.

"Oh, Lou.." He puts his hands on either side on my face, then Liam comes in, "Liam, he threw up blood, we gotta take him to the hospital."

"No," Liam answers. "They won't be able to do anything about it. I think it's the last phase of the bite."

"Last phase?" I ask, with an arched eyebrow. What the hell is he talking about?

"It was your first bite, and it was H's. You were ill, you had to reject all what your body didn't get adapted to."

"That's my blood! How doesn't my body bear my own blood?" That's pathetic.

"Your body reacted badly to the first bite, it's completely normal. But tell me, are you feeling better now?" Liam asks.

I nod my head slightly. That's true, I'm feeling better. It's strange, but reassuring. I stand up, at the other side of the bed, where there isn't blood on the floor. I slightly smile when I feel that I can stand normally, without loosing my balance, and without any help.

"We'll clean this," Says Liam.

"Louis, why didn't you call me?" My blonde friend asks me, well, fake blonde, while getting closer.

"I really wanted to, but I couldn't find my phone, plus, I could barely keep my eyes opened while I was throwing up, and right after, I slept."

"Well, you actually blacked out." Corrects Liam, and wow! The floor is all cleaned up. When did he even-- Ah, vampires.

That's the advantage of being a vampire; Speed. I didn't even see him cleaning up.

He's quiet nice with me, but I know it's because of Niall. Liam knows I'm his human's best friend; if I weren't, I'm sure he would be a monster with me. That's their real nature, his real nature. That's why, even though all his kindness with me, I still don't like him.

"Thanks," I say, lowly.

"Try to walk, princess." Suggests Niall, with a smile.

I bite my lips, and try to walk toward the door. I can do it easily, which makes me smile. My legs were like hibernating this past week, and now they're wide awake. Awesome.

"That's great, you can walk," Exclaims Niall, with a big grin.

"Yeah, finally!" I smile too. "Thank you so much for being here.." I say, genuinely.

" 'S okay, Lou. You're sure you're okay though?"

"Yeah, one hundred percent. I could go work tonight."


I missed work, god, I never thought I would miss work.. Being locked up in my room during an entire week was gonna drive me insane.
I walk toward the living room, and then I remember something.

"Um, you go home you two, I'm gonna go out.." I say.

I had an idea this past days, something I didn't do in a while. Niall shoots me a look, I suppose he'll still be worried for a while.

"I'll tell you about later, Ni." I tell him.

"Be careful, alright?" He says.

I nod, and hug Niall. Liam waves at me and then heads out. I saw him a lot these past days, while before, nearly never. Anyways.

I part away from Niall's hug and he joins Liam out, to their car, after repeating over and over to call him if anything happens. Typical Nialler.

I head to the bathroom and turn the tap of the bathtub to the red 'H' and wait for it to fill with water. I strip out of my clothes and step inside the tub.

I let out a long sigh, enjoying the warm water, and my relaxed body. I decided to go to the cemetery today to see mum and talk to her. I really need it.

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