5. His Meal

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I collapsed to the ground when I heard H's words. My legs literally gave up on me. I don't wanna be his dinner, he'll probably kill me if he feeds on me; he's the strongest one, I wouldn't have any last drop of blood in my system.

"Please, don't.." Niall begs him, getting closer to H; but Liam holds him still. "He's gonna die!"

"We can't do anything, Niall.." Mumbles Liam.

"Go back home," Orders H, with a cold tone.

"Leave my friend, please. Just-- Find another one, please not him!" Exclaims Niall.

I'm still on the ground. I can't believe this. Why me?

"Why me and not someone else..?" I manage to ask.

"I don't have to justify myself. You could have been this little vampire's meal, what a shame."

An evil smirk appears on his face, while all my face is showing is fear.

"No, you'll never plant those fangs in my best friend's flesh!" Yells Niall. He knows I'll suffer.

"Liam, take your human away before I take care of him," Groans H. Liam nods his head, and I hear my friend's sobs. He thinks I'll die, and that's scarring me even more.

"Come on, get up." H raises my body from the hard floor in a blink of the eye. "I suppose I'll have to tutor you since we'll spend a cap tonight? You don't mind, do you?" He says, with a mischievous tone.

I shake my head, and drop my gaze. I lost all my energy, the hatred that I have toward them isn't strong enough for me to stand to him. He's gonna kill me, and I can't do anything about it.. I promised myself to never let any of them touch me with their fangs, yet again, here's H, breaking that promise I made to myself.

Maybe I'll join mum, at least that's a positive point.

But I still wanna live a little longer..

"W-where are you taking me?" I stutter.

"Well, Louis. You change your behavior really fast, don't you think? Where's the human that thinks he's above me?" He tsks.

"You're the one who thinks he's above everyone." I mumble out.

"Because I am. I could kill you with one simple move. Can you do that?"

"No.. But please, just let me go home. I don't want.." I say with a little voice.

"Stop whining. I haven't ate for two hours, and I'm starving, I don't care if you want to or not."

He suddenly drags me towards him, and wraps his arms around me, tightening his grip, I'm close to chocking, I feel horrible. And we landed in a big room. Walls black and white, a suffocating atmosphere surrounding us. A large, long table is set in the middle of the room, with nothing else. He'll feed on me in here?

My life's gonna end on a table? Wow, so awesome.

"Can I use the bathroom?" I ask. I have to find a way to escape.

"No." Quiet straightforward, aren't we?


"I know what you wanna do, don't play smart with me."

I clear my throat, and look away. Jeez.. I can't escape. He knows I want to.. Yet again, who wouldn't? He turns his back to me for a moment. I observe him, he's wearing a black skinny jeans, dark boots, and a red shirt.
Silence takes place in the room, and it makes me feel even worse.

My breath hitched when my eyes landed on him after he turned again. His face completely changed. His skin is even paler than before, eyes black, fangs even sharper than before, and Oh.. Two horns on his head. My mouth is slightly opened, a little cry escaping through it. I've never seen such a.. a monster before!

I don't have time to move, when I find myself  lying down, back slammed against that table. Tears rolling down my cheeks, while he just watches me. I know what's gonna happen, I've always managed to get away, but here; It's over. An actual demon is in front of me.

"Please.." I say, voice cracking. That's all I could pronounce.

He gets his face closer, and it looks like he's smelling me. Which makes him release a sound, like he just groaned.

"Your smell reminds me of someone, Louis."

I shiver when I hear him talking. His voice giving me goosebumps. I don't care if I remind you of someone, I just wanna go!
He rips half of my shirt in a blink of the eye, (one of my favorites) and puts his fangs violently on the skin of my neck, which makes me release a loud cry that echoed in that room. The pain that I'm feeling is unbelievable. I can't even find words to describe it.

I feel his fangs getting even deeper in my skin. Tears and cries don't stop. Screams and yells get louder and louder. My life flashes before me. Moments spent with my family, the death of my mum, Niall.. Everything.

I'm gonna die, I'm sure.

I feel more and more weak. My vision gets blurry, and my eyelids get heavy, closing slowly, and then blackness.


When I open my eyes, I have a terrible headache, it's like it's gonna explode, I also have nausea. I feel a terrible pain at my neck's level when I try turning my head to see where I am. My vision is still blurred, I need time for my eyes to adjust.

The place didn't change. I'm still lying on that table, blood under my head and torso, and also on my clothes. I'm alone in this room; I don't even know how much time passed since I fell unconscious. I straighten myself difficultly, which was a bad idea, really. I nearly fell, I feel very dizzy, so I lie down again.

"Is somebody here?" My voice barely audible.

No response. I start sobbing again, and look around me, a door is located on the left, it's probably the exit. But how am I supposed to reach it? I have no energy, no strength, I'm really weak. Panic gets to me again, what am I supposed to do? How much time will I spend here?

It's the first time I'm bitten by a vampire, and it had to be the strongest one among them, the demon vampire. I regret this so much. I wish it were the black haired vampire that bit me. Or better, I wish I wasn't bitten in the first place.

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