Chapter 3

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I unravel myself, knowing that dinner will be going cold. As I stand I feel the tingling sensation of pins and needles running up my leg from sitting there in a ball for so long. When I was crying I could hear mum and Fin arguing, as per usual and I don’t think I can handle this family much longer.

I need to leave. Now.

I start to walk downstairs, creeping past the kitchen, making myself as quiet as possible. I see the front door in front of me with cracked edges from being slammed so many times. But then, just at the perfect moment for me to run and hide, the floor creaks. That’s right, it. Creaks.

‘Melena dear? Is that you?’ Asks mum in a slightly suspicious tone.

I thought of an amazing idea, that if I didn’t say anything, mum wouldn’t think that it was me. Perfect, so I just sit still and wait until I hear the clinking sound of their knives and forks hitting each other.

Until Fin comes out and sees me standing there, completely frozen like a friking weirdo. ‘Oi’ you little rat-bag, come out of there?!’

‘Agh…’ I mutter to myself, walking into the kitchen.

‘What were you trying to do?’ asked mum.

‘Umm, I just needed some uh… fresh air! That’s it … mmm can’t get enough of that wonderful freshness that we convert into carbon-dioxide…’ I say over-enthusiastically.

‘Well, if you need to go for a walk, I can heat up your dinner then?’

Yes, finally I can be free. ‘That would be lovely, thanks mum.’

I put on my jacket and head down the street, to my safe place. Where I can sit on the rocks, watching the fish swim by. I especially love the sardines… I love their little movement in the water, just the slightest flick of their tail and whoosh, off they go.

I wish I was a sardine, every moment of my life, swimming around the slippery sea. Capable of running forever with the least bit of effort.

As I walk down the street, the ocean calls for me. I can hear the wisps of wind as the sail down to the sea, when all of the waves crash at once. That’s where I belong. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2014 ⏰

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