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"I'm nervous," Lucy bounces her leg up and down as she straightens out her Quidditch robes. The thing is, she's not worried for herself, she's worried for Lauren. Even though she wants to win today's match, she feels like if Lauren catches the Snitch, maybe people in Slytherin will warm up to her.

That's what Lucy wants. She wants Lauren to have friends.

(Not friends that she'll like more than Lucy. But friends.)

"Don't be," Vero tells her, "we've practiced hard and we'll win. We've got a great strategy. I'm just worried about Jauregui cursing people. Still can't believe they let her on the team."

"I doubt they'll let her take her wand." Lucy says. "And who knows? Maybe she's a good flier."

Vero rolls her eyes, but doesn't say anything more. Instead, she eats a slice of toast and flashes a smile at the people who wish them good luck for the match. As Lucy finishes her cereal, she looks over to the Slytherin table to see Lauren, looking as green as her Quidditch robes.

When Lauren looks up and meets her gaze, she sends her a nervous, sickly smile. She honestly looks like she's about to throw up. Lucy subtly gestures towards the door, hoping that Lauren will get the message, and stands up, making her way out of the Great Hall. She waits by the entrance, and as Lauren passes her by, the older Latina grabs her and pulls her into the nearest storage cupboard.

"Don't be nervous," Lucy says, pulling Lauren into a tight hug. "You'll be great out there."

"I- please don't- um," Lauren backs away from her, "squeeze me too hard. I feel like I'm going to vomit."

"Hey, you'll be fine," Lucy grabs Lauren's hand instead. "I believe in you."

"Aren't you supposed to be trash talking me right now?" Lauren makes a half-hearted joke. "Like you're going down or something?"

"That's for the other Slytherins," Lucy grins, "You're different. You get my words of encouragement. Don't tell the Ravenclaw team, though."

"I won't," Lauren sends her a nervous smile. "You really think I'll be okay?"

"Yeah," Lucy answers instantly, "you have my full confidence. You're going to kill it out there, Jauregui. Now come on, let's get down to the pitch."

"Okay," Lauren follows her out of the storage cupboard, and Lucy is fully aware of the weird looks they're getting as they head down to the Quidditch pitch. "What broom do you have?"

"A Nimbus 2001." Lucy smiles. "It's my baby. My parents bought me it for Christmas a few years ago – I have no idea how they got to Diagon Alley by themselves – but I appreciated it. You?"

"Firebolt," Lauren says, "It was also a Christmas present, but I got it last year."

Lucy stares at her. "That's like, a professional broom. Can I try it out some time?"

"Sure." Lauren sends her a shy smile. "Like, um, when we go down to the pitch one night and practice together. You can try it then."

"Next week, Laur," Lucy tells her as they arrive at the changing rooms. Before she departs to head to the Ravenclaw changing room, she gives Lauren another hug. "And you'll do great. Just remember I believe in you, alright?"

"Thanks, Luc," Lauren smiles and turns towards the Slytherins' changing room. "See you after the match?"

"Yeah," Lucy grins, "you will."

As she arrives in the changing rooms, she sees that Vero's already in there. Her friend must've left the Great Hall while she was talking to Lauren. "Hey. Where'd you rush off to?"

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