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Lucy is jealous.

It doesn't take her long to realise it. It's barely been a week since Lauren was announced as the Hogwarts champion, and all of the Slytherins had been flocking around her. Normani was by Lauren's side constantly, claiming that she knew it'd be Lauren who's the champion after seeing her fly at Quidditch tryouts.

Lucy has barely spoken to Lauren in the past week, because every time she does, the other girl's fellow Slytherins always drag her away for something. So, Lucy has spent the past week in Vero's constant company, like she always did. Before Lauren came along.

She's glad that Lauren is making other friends, truly. Because she knows how upsetting it always was for the younger girl, to be alone all the time. She just doesn't want to be replaced, and as childish as it sounds, she was Lauren's friend first.

"Damn, what's got you so bitchy this week?" Vero asks her with a frown as they sit down in the Great Hall on Thursday. Officially a week and two days since she and Lauren have hung out properly. "Are you still mad at me for what I said about Jauregui? Because I said I was sorry and-"

"It's not that," Lucy huffs, staring over at the Slytherin table. Lauren isn't there yet, but there are already a bunch of Slytherins saving a spot for her. "I'm just... upset about things."

Vero smiles knowingly. "You wish you were picked to be champion, right? Because it's since then that you-"

"No," Lucy cuts in, "it's just school stress. Nothing to worry about."

"Well..." Vero trails off, but smiles at something behind her. "Your friend is here."

"My friend?" Lucy turns around, frowning. When she doesn't see anybody, she's about to ask Vero what the hell she's talking about, but then she hears a small meow and looks down. Her face breaks out into a grin and she pats the bench next to her.

Lauren, in her kitten form, jumps up onto the bench and clambers into her lap, curling up and purring. Lucy just smiles and pets her fur. "Hey, Lo."

"Oh god, you named it?" Vero groans. "It's not your cat, Luc. Didn't its owner tell you its actual name?"

"I never found her owner," Lucy lies, scratching Lauren behind the ears. "She's mine now."

Lauren purrs, as if she's totally okay with the idea, and Vero laughs. "Alright then. I guess she's mine too, by default, since we share a dorm room."

Lucy looks down at Lauren to gauge her reaction, and when Vero reaches out and pets her, Lauren doesn't recoil. Instead, she meows and rubs against Vero affectionately. "Look, she's being nice to you."

"I don't miss being hissed at," Vero agrees with her, "anyway, what're you going to do for your free period?"

"Probably just get some studying done," Lucy says, standing up with Lauren in her arms. "I'll see you later?"

"Sure," Vero smiles, "later, Luc."

Lucy turns and heads out of the Great Hall, carrying Lauren all the way up to the room of requirement. When the door closes behind them, the kitten jumps down from her arms, and suddenly, Lauren Jauregui is pulling her in for a tight hug.

"I missed you," Lauren mumbles against her, "can we ditch classes and stay in here all day?"

"Yeah," Lucy murmurs, "I don't need to learn about plants. I need to cuddle you."

Lauren beams. "Good. Every time I try to get away from the other Slytherins, they think of a reason to hang around me and I feel bad saying no."

"I mean..." Lucy shrugs, "I had to admit that I got a little jealous."

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