bf/gf and best friend quotes and poems

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Here are some poems and quotes for bf/gf and best friends~ by Lil_Cyanchick

I asked you if I was pretty, you said no.

I asked you if I was fat, you said yes of course.

I asked you if you wanted to be with me forever, you said no.

I asked you if you would cry if I walked away, you said no way!

I had heard too much, and needed to leave and, as I walked away....

you grabbed my arm and told me to stay.

You said....Your not PRETTY, your BEAUTIFUL

The only FAT, or BIG, about you is your heart

I don't WANT to be with you forever, I NEED you to be with me forever

And, baby, I wouldn't CRY if you walked away, I would DIE!

I don't know what tomorrow brings or even know what I'm having for breakfast I couldn't tell you if Ill find my soul mate or even what outfit I'm gonna wear tomorrow I still cant figure out what my destiny is or even if ill feel like doing my homework tonight, but i do know this....

I've got my music in my car

a closet full of clothes

and the best friends a girl could have

and baby, that's all I really need <3

My best friend

Today I found a friend

Who knew everything I felt

She knew my every weakness,

And the problems I've been dealt.

She understood my wonders,

And listened to my dreams,

She listened to how I felt about life and love,

And knew what it all means

Not once did she interrupt me,

or tell me I was wrong.

she understood what I was going through, and promised me she would stay long.

I reached out to this friend,

to show her that I care

to pull her close and let her know

How much I need her there

I went to hold her hand

And to pull her a bit nearer

And realised that this perfect friend I found was nothing but my mirror- Hayley Williams


Please don't tell me not to cry

Please don't say there was a reason why

You don't know what I'm feeling

Or how much i hurt

The wet spots are from tears

on the collar of this shirt

You think i should go on with life

Forget about it and be strong

But deep down i am sad,

And i don't want to go along

I don't expect you to understand why

For no apparent reason

I break down and start to cry

My life has changed forever, you see

And that is why i am not acting like the same old me

So please don't try to act like nothing happened

Because its changed my life forever

I will never be the same again

Not today, not tomorrow, not never

The best thing you can do for me is just be there

Just like always, my friend

My broken heart is hurting bad

And it will never mend.

Dear best friend,

Your stupid. You fail. Your weird.

Your not perfect. But. That's ok. I'm like that, too. We laugh at the randomist things. You know my ugliest side. Even though we disagree sometimes, we never fight. When I'm sad, you were always there to make sure I was okay.  Thanks for being there for me.


A true friend is someone who knows how crazy you are, but can still be seen with you in public.

Like peanut butter and jelly

Pen and Paper

Moon and stars

Socks and my shoes

Pigs and mud

Cows and moos

Hot chocolate in winter

Flowers and spring

some how we just fit~ you and me

The best of friends

Thanks for reading this !


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