The Lost Village

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As the glowing light slowly faded around gameknight999 he looked around him expecting to see the normal waterfall that flowed down down the side of the mountain ware he spawned in minecraft. With the help of his father's invention the digitizer he could do more than just play the game he could go inside the game. But what he saw was new and unexpected, dirt and stone huts were everywhere, a few two block tall dirt pens with cows, sheep, pigs, and chickens and at the front of the animal pens were fence gates to get in and out with ease. Than his sister appeared out of yet another ball of light as bright as the sun. as she appeared out of the sunlike ball letters appeared over her head, monet113 they read. "Woah that will never get old" she said excitedly "out of the basement and into th-" she stopped as she looked at their surroundings. "Gameknight?" she said with a hint of worry in her voice "are... are we in the right place?" before he could answer another flash of light revealed a monkey wearing a superman outfit and the name monkeypants271 over his head. "Daaaad i told you to change your minecraft skin" gameknight said annoyed "sorry son" his dad answered "i happen to like this skin and i intend to keep it."

"But it looks well...weird."

"Well I like it and I'm in it so I get to choose," he said staring at him a bit annoyed.

"Fine, but what happened to our spawn anyway?" They all looked around in astonished silence and perfectly still.

"The....the-user-that-is-not-a-user?" said a small scared voice.

"Ahhh...Yes that is me" gameknight replied just as he said that about 10 to 15 villagers burst out of the small gray and brown huts shouting, "He's Here!" "The user-that-is-not-a-user has come!" "He can save us" They stopped and stared when they saw Monkeypants and Monet. They quickly put their arms together and looked up slowly as to not let them notice what they were doing when they saw no server thread. They quickly resumed their celebrating. They all started asking question at the same time. "Who are these other users?"

"Can you help us?"

"How did you get here?"

"HOLD ON!" Gameknight said fiercely, instantly they all looked at him in slight surprise, but they listened. "What is going on? Where is your crafter?" When he said that all eyes went to the ground, instantly he knew what happened....their crafter was gone and when a crafter dies the village becomes lost. All these villagers sad, scared, and without hope of ever surviving started this new foundation for new life. For the first time in awhile he could save someone's life. 


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