The run/Finding my family

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Hunter's POV
"Oh my gosh" i whisper "Gameknight?"
Gameknight stands there smiling slightly until he we hear a voice from behind us,
"Is that Herobrine" Gameknight realises his mistake instantly, he must have forgotten about his eyes.
He looks at me for help, why would I help him he just ATTACKED me... though i don't think it is his fault... something was doing that to him.
I look at all the villagers who are exchanging worried glances, what do I do i need to help Gameknight... suddenly that small villager from earlier in the lost village steps up along with Herder, "Gameknight what have you gotten yourself into" I hear Herder mutter to himself "Hunter what happened back there that made you run off like that" I look at Gameknight he nods his head slowly,
"Ummm well Gameknight..." i start "well we were talking when he uhhhh i guess you could say he started to hear a voice in his head that sorta took over his mind and he started to attack me he warned me before he tried to hit me with his sword... the thing is after one swing he fell over he seemed really tired and that's really all that happened" I looked over at Gameknight who had tears in his eyes, he looked up at me and then walk towards the edge of the wall.
"I'm sorry Hunter" he said and then jumped off.

Gameknights POV

I heard Hunter scream as I fell down... down... down... then splash! I looked back up at Hunter one last time and then ran.
"GAMEKNIGHT WAIT!" Hunter yelled as I ran, iI felt bad about doing this but it was the best thing for everyone back there.

After running for a looooong time I stopped, it was morning there were a few pigs and cows wandering around, then i realized I brought no food and had only brought my two swords and diamond armor,
"Dang it.. What am i gonna do" I looked at all the animals, "no i'm not doing that" so he just decided he would cut down trees so he could make a shelter and maybe find some apples.

After another while I found 4 apples and two 64's of oak wood, as I started on my shelter i heard footsteps behind me, i looked back to find a zombie with a gold helmet swinging his clawed arm straight at my face, before i could do anything BAM I was face first on the ground, i quickly rolled to the side just incase it swung again but it never did, i looked up to find it being sprayed with water in the face, i looked over to try and see where it was coming from and strange enough it seemed to be spraying from inside the tree, i walked over to the it and just as i did I heard a sizzle and then it stopped, i looked back to see the zombie was gone and what was left was a piece of obsidian and a note that read.

Dear Gameknight999
I know this may be a little weird but i've been watching you, i know your what your problem is and what you shouldn't do. meet me in the forest at dusk i can show you my shelter that you can stay in.
          Wouldn't you like to know
Your friends Crafter and Monkeypants271 and Monet113 are with me.

When i read the last part I screamed at the top of my lungs,
"THERE ALIVE!!!!" i cried, tears of joy spilling out my eyes, but it didn't last long when the strange voice from earlier started to speak,
"Have you figured it out yet" it said yet
"Figured out what yet?" i said back (which would sound stupid if i was with someone because there was nothing there)
"Really wow... your not as smart as i thought"
"WHO ARE YOU" I yelled at the voice,
"Ugh wow.... Maybe this will help"
"What will" I asked nervously
"This" then without thinking flew backward right into a tree
"Oh nothing"
"Then why did you do that!"
"I don't know... it's fun?".
Then the voice silenced which I was very glad of. But it was getting dark and i needed to hurry to meet up with this person that knows where my WHOLE FAMILY IS.
I sighed and moved on though the forest at a quick pace, the thing that was confusing was that i didn't know where to meet up, the note only said in the forest but to be honest this forest was huge and i had no clue how anyone would find me in this jungle of trees, i don't even know if i will get out.... that might be a bad sign.

Suddenly i heard footsteps coming up on me,
"Who's there!" i yelled "Dad... Jenny... Crafter?" i had no clue wha-,
"GAMEKNIGHT!!!!" and BAM i was on the ground for the second time that day,
"AGH... Wait Jenny is that you"
"TOMMY I MISSED YOU!!!" my sister practically sqweeled
"JENNY!!!!" I got up and turned around, "JENNY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!" she smirks at me and laughs,
"Wouldn't you like to know," yep that's my sister for you. I smile and stand up,
"where's dad?" I ask her
"He's back at the house"
"Wait a house! When did you find a house out here?!"
"Well this girl who we don't real-"
"WE!! Are crafter and dad with you NOW!!!"
"Well there back at the house"
"Can we go?"
"Yeah lets go i'm hungry"
"We can eat on the way i got DEM APPLES!!!" she laughs as she leads me through the forest.

Hunter's POV

It's daytime now, I can't think straight, he's gone... he's really gone... what did I do? what did I say? please come back. I look at down on the village, my family rushing around getting set to go find him, I'm ready and I always will be, ready to fight for him, search for him and... I don't know why I feel like this but.... die for him.
I never got to tell him what I wanted to, I never had the time, it's just battle after battle after battle, when will it end. The wind flows through my hair as I look down into the moat, no one is watching, so I jump down, the water's cold, but I don't notice I'm already num in shock.
I hop out and stare into the forest, a flash of white light blinds me for a second,
"The heck was that" I mutter to myself as I head to the village gates, as I'm going something grabs me by the arm, I turn around to see a enderman staring back at me, it's too late to look away now, I try to cover my ears as it's lets out a ear splitting screech. I scream as he teleports away with me in his grasp.


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