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s. wendyy wants to send you a direct message ;

approve ?
decline ?

message approved ;
now loading s.wendyy's message.

s.wendyy ; wow! you are a very pretty boy~! my uhh 'manager', min yoongi, is looking for someone with nice features! i actually want you to apply, im sure you'll get the spot!

wendys.smile ; >\\\\\<
i-i, uhm... im honored! i-i
i will give it a try!

s.wendyy ; great! i'll see
you soon then! btw the try-outs
are on monday!

wendys.smile ; a-ah
alright! i-i'll see you

s.wendyy ; oh- heres a plus!

you get to see me everyday~! :)

s.wendyy has left the chat

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