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"No mom, after what you did this time.. I-I'm done I cant do this anymore helen." I never call my mom by her first name but I dont even want to call her a mother, she has put me through hell since, my father left I'm sick of the bullshit, she scares me, sometimes even more than I scare myself. "Do not use that tone young lady" she spits and hits me across the face, thats it, I grab the rest of my bags and load them into my car. I'm really doing it this time, I'm going to run and I'm not coming back. I get in the car and my mother watches in terror as I start the car, I can tell by the look on her face shes finally realised all that shes put me through the past 9 years. I check my wallet to make sure I have my card, which has all the money I've been saving on it since I was 12, I've finally made enough to get out of here and go somewhere new, I've even got an apartment in New york in manhattan and a job awaiting me at a writing company called Pandora . I still feel like I'm to close for comfort to my mom whos in washington. But thats okay because the apartment is all mine and it already has furniture in it.

I drive off in the car, and put on the radio and tune out of the world. Free, I'm finally free.

I drive for hours and hours, I realise its 1 and I haven't eaten since 7 this morning just before I left washington, I'm about 10 minutes from my new apartment and I realise I should stop off at a supermaket to get food for my home, my home, I can say it, its all mine....freedom. I drive around the streets, completely lost and try and find a supermarket.

My stomach is churning as I pull up to a safeway I quickly get out of the car and realise how sore my legs are from sitting for so long, I have a bit of a stretch before heading into the supermarket. I grab a trolley once in the doors and stroll around for a while grabbing a weeks worth of food and some toiletries and cleaning supplies, although I did take a lot of toilet paper and other toiletries from washington I knew it wasnt enough to last me.

I go to the check out and pay for all the supplies before taking the trolley out to my car and loading all the bags in my car, before taking out a small snack to eat on the ride home.

I feel scared, having to do this all on my own, I mean Im 19 but normally a 19 year old doesnt have to worry about moving out and not having  the support of their family.

I follow the gps until I am at the apartment, it looks more beautiful than any picture could have represented it. I look at my watch , its only 4 so I have plenty of time to get all my bag and boxes up before I hit the hay.

I get out of the car and grab the groceries first before heading into the apartment building, "Hi, you must be Amelia" I jump startled by the mans voice "oh sorry I didnt mean to scare you" he smirks "we spoke on the phone, I'm the apartment owner, david" "Oh y-yes yes. Hi nice to meet you in person, thank you for giving me the opportunity to have this apartment, its more beautiful for than any of the pictures showed" I smile " well here is your key to the apartment, and if you have any troubles I live over there, you can knock anytime" He gives me a smile and points to the only apartment on the ground floor. "Thank you" I say grabbing the key from his hand and walking towards the elevator.

I push the 5th floor, which is the highest floor besides the roof and look for number 16 which will be my new home, I find it quickly its a door away from the elevator, I put down some of the bags and unlock the door, I pick up the bags and head in before closing the door and looking around with a giant smile on my face. "WOW' I say to myself in disbelief of how beautiful the place is, I quickly run to the kitchen and place the bag down on the counter before unstacking them into the small pantry and the fridge. I use one of the bags to put all the others in and places it in a cupboard under the sink.

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