Black Rose

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By: The Brokenhearted (Inspired by C.K. Andrews)

If I give you a black rose,

Will you love me forever?

I'm too scared to let you go

You were my first

And i'm hoping you could be

My last

I think you're worth fighting for

Do you feel the same way?

Or am i just too clingy?

Or maybe even too emotional?

If i did have a black rose,

I would give it to you

Because you're special to me

In every way possible

I just can't stop thinking about you

I can't even stay mad at you

I know i mean something to you

But is that feeling gone now?

Am i a stranger to you now?

Or are my feelings just getting in the way

From realizing it?

I know you care about me

But I don't quite feel it yet

Because I feel like I'm always

Being left

I hate that feeling

I've already felt it a long time ago

I thought i could forget it

But i was wrong

You're not even thousands of miles away

I have so many mixed emotions

I can't sort them all out right now

Everything is so confusing

I just want your hugs again

Your Magical hugs

The ones i can never let go of

And i want you to hold my hand

So i know you'll never let go

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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