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His first reaction was to suck the sweet spot behind her ear, making her moan, and marking her. As he did so, his mind got the better of him. It was almost as if there were a devil and an angel sitting on his shoulders, critiquing his every move.

You know, she only wants you to do this because she wants to get back at Jean. The angel side reminded him.

But you've been craving her for so long. She's vulnerable now. Take her before it's too late. The devil side encouraged.

She's not in her right mind right now. It would be even worse if you did this to her, then she never wanted to see you again. The angel side retaliated.

But the sex you would have right now would be so hot. She's so hot already. She loves everything you're doing to her. The devil countered.

She would never forgive you if you went through this right now, in your car, after a bad breakup. The angel side bartered.

Dammit. Levi thought. He knew the little angel was right, despite the horrible case of blue balls he was going to have after this.

Levi pulled away from [Y/N], who was an aroused mess. "[Y/N]," he began. She gave him a confused look. "I can't do this to you. Not now. Not while you're like this. You just went through a horrible break up. It wouldn't be right for me to take advantage of you like that." He sighed, rolling off of her, and pulling her into a sitting position.

She huffed in defeat. He had made a good point. She agreed with him, despite how mad it made her.

"Just don't tell anyone and I won't tell anyone, got it?" she finally spoke after a moment of silence. Levi nodded. All hell would break loose if anyone ever found out about this encounter.

They both moved to the front seats of the car and Levi began to drive [Y/N] back to her car. He could tell she was irritated with him because she wouldn't look at him the majority of the ride. He put his hand on her thigh anyway. She held onto his hand, despite not making eye contact with him. He gave her a gentle pat as they pulled up, next to her car. She finally looked at him, disappointment in her eyes, and gave him a small smile.

"Thanks, Levi," she muttered as she got out of the car and closed the door.

He sighed as he watched her drive off in the direction of her apartment. He sat for a moment, in disbelief that he had actually turned [Y/N] down. He knew there were too many consequences that came with the possibility of having sex with her in the backseat of his car; but, he had fantasized about doing the deed with her for so long that he couldn't believe he actually got that close to her. So close, yet so far.

The vibration of his phone pulled him out of his pool of thoughts. It was Mikasa.

Shit. What time is it? He thought as he looked at the clock in his car. 11:30 PM. It's really been 3 hours? He calmed himself before answering the phone.

"Dad? Where are you? You've been gone for 3 hours," Mikasa's worried tone questioned through the phone.

"Yeah, Dad. What the hell is going on? Is [Y/N] okay?" Eren further interrogated.

"I'm fine. [Y/N] is fine. I talked with her for a while and helped her calm down. She just went home a few minutes ago," Levi answered, hoping they would accept that excuse.

"That's good. She needs to rest and recuperate," Eren replied, sounding reassuring.

Levi heard what sounded like Mikasa punching Eren's arm, followed by Eren making a painful grunt.

"What was that for, Mikasa?" Eren demanded.

"Don't act like you really care. Tell him what you did," Mikasa's accusing voice responded.

Levi sighed. "What did you break this time, brat?" he inquired.

The two proceeded to argue over who actually broke Levi's Dyson vacuum. Levi actually tuned most of the argument out. He couldn't get the image of [Y/N] moaning underneath him out of his head.

"Listen, brats. I don't care who broke it. You're both going to split the costs to get it fixed. Right now, all I want to do is come home and go to bed. Got it?" he commanded, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"But I'm not the idiot that broke it," Mikasa continued to argue.

"I don't want to hear it. If you keep arguing, you both are going to be in charge of cleaning the garage out, on top of repairing my vacuum. Am I clear?" Levi resolved.

"Yes," they both grumbled in response.

"Okay, I'll be home in a few minutes," he said as he ended the call. 

Can You Keep A Secret? (Parent!Levi x Reader Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now