Risks (twenty-one)

48 8 2

Forty-five: Zoey

I have no words to explain how I feel right now.

My very own friend from school. Someone who I'd hang out with at break, and trust to talk about my problems with.

I can't believe it. He works for Darren? But why? His family is so well off. I've been to his house before. Why would he need to work for a drug dealer?

I stand at the top of the stairs and rub my sore wrists. I look down at the seeping wounds. They'll need disinfectant and bandages or things could get worse than this.

Alex closes the door and locks it with the key. He then makes a struggle to move the shelf back into position, I shuffle backwards into the main room and look around me.

A black leather looking two seated sofa to my right; more left but to the centre of the room sits a three seater version of the other sofa; then across to the very left are the windows, the curtains are open wide and pinned back against the grey floral patterned wall. The suns rays shine through the plain white blinds that are tilted slightly so I can see parts of the very world outside of this house. Further right of these curtains is the door, a beige one that matches the other two in the room, it has a square pattern going all around it, split into two sections.

I glance at the still struggling Alex, he lets out a groan as he slowly pushes the shelf further in front of the door.

I'm running out of time.

I assess my possible exits.

1.) The front door
2.) The back door
3.) The window

If I take the front and back doors they'll most likely be locked. The window may be too... but it's the only chance I have.

Alex heaves the shelf to the right once more. And dusts off his hands.

It's now or never Zoey.

I edge backwards slowly then sprint towards the window, I yank the blinds off to the side and turn the key left in the window lock.

"Zoey no!" Alex shouts, clearly shocked.

I push the grey release button on the handle and pull it up. I swing the window open and practically throw myself out of the window on hearing hurried steps by Alex behind me.

My legs turn to jelly and I drop to the floor. My body hasn't responded to get up just yet and I find myself momentarily crawling forwards trying to push myself to stand up.

Come on. Come on!! Get up and run damn it!!

Finally, I get up and start running again. I glance behind me to see Alex stumbling out of the window looking half pissed, half frightened. I take my focus off of him and concentrate on my escape. I run as fast as I can along a stretch of pavement.

"Zoey stop!" Alex yells.

I  turn right at the split in the pavement, hoping it would throw him off a bit. I take another glance behind me.

And see no one.

Alex isn't  in sight. I can't even hear him running. I couldn't have lost him that easily could I?

Or was he just letting me go...?

I slow down to a walk; suddenly feeling rather exhausted, and sit myself on a patch of grass. I get my breath back and take in my surroundings.

Where am I?

This place looks completely different to how I thought it was. I have no idea how I'm going to get myself back home. I let out a shaky sigh before standing up again, and food! What am I going to do? I've been without food and water for how long? It could be hours... days even!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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