I Wanna go Home(teaser)

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As soon as he said that to me, I wanted to die. Why? Why did I come back? I was finally out, I was finally safe and what do I do, I put myself right back into the nightmare I tried so desperately to escape. I'm so stupid, I'm committing suicide. Do I think he's just gonna forget that I ran away? No, of course not! It'll be the first thing he brings up.

I slowly walk through the small house and out the backdoor. The dingy old shed sit there, looking about ready to fall apart. On the inside, I'm screaming. On the outside, I'm trembling. I open the door and look around. It looks just like it always has. A dirt flooring, caked with blood, sweat, and tears, among other bodily fluids. The walls are covered in leather. There are spinning wheels, leather holsters, this thing that looks like those bull riding machines, and plenty of other objects that include me getting strapped down and tortured.

I kneel by the entrance and wait for Him to come to me. I can't help but wonder if Kyler is missing me. Is he still mad about what I did? If I told him I'd never do it again, would he let me go back to living with him. Was I even really living with him though? I hadn't even unpacked yet before I was back out the door. I hear the door creak open and my eyes snap up, but my head stays bowed.

"Well would you look what the cat dragged in. How'er yea Lucky boy? Did you miss daddy? Had t'a come home real soon 'cause nobody else wants a piece of filth like ye?" He mocks, stalking around my body like a wolf stalking its prey. I am the prey, and he, unfortunately, is the wolf.

"Get up." He spits at me. I do. Immediately.

He leads me to the cow looking thing and I immediately want to cry. I know what he's going to do to me. I know what it's going to feel like. He quickly removes my clothing and lays me over the stump. He straps my arms down and around the bottom of the stump, effectively immobilizing my arms. He spreads my legs wide apart and then hooks cuffs around my ankles, then secures them to the floor. I can't move. I can't get away and soon I can't scream. He stuffs a musty old sock into my mouth, then puts a gag on top of it.

"Are you ready to be painted red my sweet boy?"

And then I'm screaming.


Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed my little teaser! I'm heading to Tuscany for my spring break and I wanted to put something out, without rushing it.  I changed the rating to mature as this chapter, and some others will be a bit too graphic for younger readers. If you, however, choose to read it anyways then that is at your own risk! I hope you've enjoyed the newer chapters and can see an increase in writing skills lol. Thanks for sticking around and liking, following, and commenting on my story, and chapters. It means a lot to me.




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