The big secret

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Kousuke: apparently Chiaki has a major crush on you and has since we first met you.

You: WHAT Kousuke please tell me your not lying to me because if you are then I will kill you the next time I see you anywhere.

Kousuke:No y/n I'm not lying.that must be why he acts weird when your around us playing baseball or in class.

You:Idk im gonna talk to him tomorrow morning bye.
As you wondered if Chiaki really liked you what you would do because you also like him you just don't want to get hurt or ruin the friendship you have with him.
-----------------------time skip-----------------------
You walked through the school trying to find Chiaki when you bumped into Makato "Hey y/n what you doing?" "Oh hey have you seen Chiaki anywhere by chance I need to ask him something that I heard?" Makato thought for a minute then shook her head "I have.I just saw him head towards the classroom a couple of minutes ago." "Thanks Makato see you in class." You ran through the halls trying to get to you class to see if Chiaki was there like Makato said he was but when you got there what you saw made you want to cry Chiaki was hugging another girl in the class and it looked like he had brought her flowers and she was enjoying it. You slammed the door open and yelled "Chiaki you jerk i loved you and I thought you loved me to." Right as soon a you went to turn to run off you ran straight into Kousuke." Y/n let him explain what he's doing before you assume you know." By this time the other girl has managed to leave without you realizing. "I............I did this for you because I love you."
Alright im gonna leave this chapter on a cliffhanger because I love all of you oh so much.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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